City of Lawrence, Kansas

Debt Issuance Guidelines



The City of Lawrence adopts the following guidelines for the issuance of debt:


-          Ratio of General Obligation Bonds Outstanding to Appraised Valuation will not exceed 2.2%.

-          Ratio of General Obligation Bonds and Temporary Notes Outstanding to the Statutory Debt Limit will not exceed 60%.

-          Ratio of Debt Service payments from the Bond and Interest Fund will not exceed 15% of governmental expenditures.

-          Amount of General Obligation Bonds Outstanding per Population will not exceed $1100.

-          Amount of overlapping General Obligation Bonds Outstanding per Population will not exceed $2500.

-          Bond and Interest mill levy will not exceed 10 mills.


The City will review and consider the following before any debt is issued:


-          Adherence to the Capital Improvement Budget

-          Adherence to the Capital Improvement Plan

-          Impact on the mill levy

-          Potential impact on other revenue sources such as increased property taxes and sales taxes.





-          General Obligation Bonds/Appraised Valuation

o   $71,745,000/$4,009,270,000 = 1.8%      (Moody’s 2.2 > avg.)


-          General Obligation Bonds and Notes/Statutory Debt Limit

o   $84,975,000/$198,255,962 = 42.9%        (State calculated limit)


-          Debt Service payments/Governmental Expenditures

o   $5,864,299/$51,370,000 = 11.4%             (S & P 15-20% considered high)


-          General Obligation Bonds/Population

o   $71,745,000/83,495 = $859                     (Lawrence has been under $1000)


-          Overlapping General Obligation Bonds/Population

o   $150,353,105/83,495 = $1801            (Includes school district and county)


-          Debt Service Levy

o   2001 Debt Service Levy = 7.134 mills   (likely to increase to over 8.0)