City Commission Goals                  
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Promoting the economic development of Lawrence to provide varied work and business opportunities.
Key Objectives: Identify industrial sites and a process to develop them.
Use the Southeast Area Plan to create-ate an employment zone.
Move toward acquisition of the Farmland property.
Other Objectives: Expand the tax base through growth of existing and new businesses.
Develop incentives in addition to tax abatements (add to our “tool box”).  
Identify sources of funding for a dedicated economic development fund.  
Develop a common understanding of what economic development is.  
Have a city staff person focused solely on economic development.
PLANNED GROWTH:  Encouraging growth that protects our environment, neighborhoods, and cultural features while benefiting all of our citizens.
Key Objectives: Conclude the successful adoption of rural development standards.
Resolve the public improvement financing method.
Agree to stay within service area 1 in the urban growth area; be proactive about where growth will be and avoid spot zoning.
Amend codes to allow for traditional neighborhood development (TND).
Other Objectives: Initiate a community visioning process to encourage community building.
Ensure that the city leads the development process; create a new model for this.
Expand meetings with the county, the school district, and KU.
Work on more cooperative projects with the county; develop a model for growth.
Initiate a discussion within the community about a new model of growth and its comprehensive plans.  Educate the community about the differences.
COMMUNITY BUILDING:  Creating social capital and celebrating our heritage.
Key Objectives: Get the Carnegie Library building active.
Encourage the viability of the Farmers Market, including improving the facilities.
Other Objectives: Have more events downtown.
Ensure the accountability of the police department.
Determine what we want to do about the Library expansion and how much it will cost.
Encourage KU and Haskell to be more a part of the community and the community more a part of KU and Haskell (e.g., Homecoming Parade downtown, more partnerships).
Develop a comprehensive plan for services to the homeless.
Secure adequate funding for after-school programs.
Keep the focus on Lawrence for the Heritage Area.
ENVIRONMENT ISSUES: Integrating the environment into our decisions as we work towards a sustainable city.
Key Objectives: Move toward a watershed storm water policy.
Other Objectives: Evaluate and adopt an energy code.
Adopt an environmental chapter for Horizon 2020.
Require LEED standards for public buildings.
Continue community connectivity through bike paths, trails, and rail to trails.
Encourage neighborhood planning that emphasizes non-automobile access to schools and shopping.
Transition to pesticide-free parks and buildings.
NEIGHBORHOOD QUALITY: Improving the livability of all Lawrence neighborhoods. 
Key Objectives: Develop affordable housing through the Land Trust.
Institutionalize area planning.
Other Objectives: Coordinate with the school district regarding school sites and future uses of schools.
Find ways to lessen the impact of student housing on neighborhoods.
Explore private/public partnerships to provide affordable housing.
Identify key pedestrian routes and enforce snow removal of them.
Bring in the Neighborhood Re-investment Corporation (NRC).
Inventory sidewalks in neighborhoods and bring them up to standard.
TRANSPORTATION: Improving access for all citizens.
Key Objectives: Build community consensus for a regional transportation plan that includes resolution of the SLT, Highway 59, and Eastern By-pass.
Other Objectives: Continue work on street development standards, including alternatives to street widths.
Bring the “T” and KU on Wheels into better alignment.
Initiate a commuter bus service to Johnson County.
Investigate the possibility of a pedestrian bridge across the Kansas River.
Create a plan to increase funding for KDOT projects that benefit community.
Continue to educate the community about access management.  Develop consensus and policies.
Model bio-diesel and other renewable sources in city’s transportation equipment.
Integrate the bike plan into the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP).
Work toward the central coordination of all street lights.
DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT: Protecting the integrity of downtown while maintaining it as a unique community resource.
Key Objectives: Ensure that the downtown is clean and inviting (e.g., identify trees that will keep downtown cleaner).
Redevelop the library as an anchor for multi-use development for downtown.
Study the topic of alcohol issues and sidewalk dining.
Other Objectives: Implement “adopt a planter” program.
Work with a KU class to develop a new downtown design in order to freshen the look of downtown.
Consider creative responses to barriers related to the Harris project.
SERVICE DELIVERY: Provide excellent City services consistent with resources available.
Key Objectives: Streamline the process of working with the Business Retention Task Force, so that there is coordination among departments and the process is clear and consistent.
Adopt a performance management system.
Implement new building codes.
Other Objectives: Purchase project management software for the planning department.
Improve the CIP process – set priorities and integrate the plan with goals.
Integrate fire station operations into the budget.
Explore the possibility of increased staff support or salary for city commissioners.