2019 Funding Applications

Microsoft is currently experiencing a nationwide service disruption which is intermittently affecting Outlook, Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive and other online services used by City staff. They are working to implement a solution but do not currently have an ETA when that will be complete.

The applications listed under General Fund and Special Alcohol Fund were submitted to the Social Service Funding Advisory Board. The Board reviewed all the applications and made recommendations for funding to the City Commission. The applications listed under Other were submitted to City staff. These applications were received from other governmental agencies, economic development agencies, and agencies that receive funding from funds other than the General Fund or Special Alcohol Fund.

AgencyName of Program for Which Funding is being Requested2018 Budget2019 Requested2019 RecommendedApplicationAgreementAnnual Report
AgencyName of Program for Which Funding is being Requested2018 Budget2019 Requested2019 RecommendedApplicationAgreementAnnual Report