Arts and Economic Prosperity 5

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Starting in 2015, Lawrence and Douglas County joined Americans for the Arts’ latest national economic impact study, Arts & Economic Prosperity 5. It’s well known that, in addition to enhancing quality of life, the arts and culture industry supports jobs and generates government revenue. Our participation in this important research project allows us to quantify the economic impact of the non-profit arts and culture industry—and their audiences—in Lawrence and Douglas County.

Now we know that:

  • The nonprofit arts and culture sector in Lawrence-Douglas County  is a $30.8 million industry  that supports 1,061 full-time equivalent jobs and generates $2.8 million in local and state government revenue!

The study required the collection of detailed financial and programming information from twenty-two arts and culture organizations located in Lawrence (18) and Douglas County (4) as well as 1200 audience-intercept surveys from people who attended arts and culture events in 2016. Thanks to everyone who participated in this important study!

The Final Reports are Complete!

Regional Reports

National Summary

If you have any questions please call or email Porter Arneill,


Audience Survey Form

Sample-Audience-Intercept Survey Form