City of Lawrence

Utilities Department



TO:              David L. Corliss, City Manager

                        Cynthia Boecker, Assistant City Manager

                   Diane Stoddard, Assistant City Manager


FROM:         Mike Lawless, Assistant Director of Utilities


CC:                        Dave Wagner, Utilities Director

Philip Ciesielski, Assistant Director of Utilities


DATE:           February 11, 2009


RE:                  Utilities Proposed Projects for Stimulus Funding



In anticipation of the passage of the economic stimulus funding by Congress, Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has requested submittal of projects that could be ready for construction by May or June of this year. KDHE anticipates as much as $20 million each could be made available for Public Water Supply and Water Pollution Control. In order to meet potentially short timeframes for distributing the funds, KDHE has scheduled public hearings on the Intended Use Plan for late March. In order to receive and score the additional projects that are expected, KDHE has requested that projects be submitted as soon as possible but no later than February 20.


Staff has prepared project submittal sheets on four 2009 Capital Improvement Plan Projects that meet the May or June construction timeframe. In addition, staff has prepared four project submittals that are beyond the May or June timeframe on the possibility of an extension of the construction start date. The project submittal sheets are included for your review and presentation to the City Commission.