Contact Us – City Attorney

Microsoft is currently experiencing a nationwide service disruption which is intermittently affecting Outlook, Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive and other online services used by City staff. They are working to implement a solution but do not currently have an ETA when that will be complete.
City Attorney • City Hall
6 East 6th Street, Lawrence, KS 66044
Phone: (785) 832-3475     Fax: (785) 832-3405
Contact Title Phone
Toni Ramirez Wheeler City Attorney (785) 832-3404
Randy Larkin Deputy City Attorney (785) 832-3476
Zach Fridell Assistant City Attorney (785) 832-3474
Laura Graham Assistant City Attorney (785) 832-3470
Ashley Chavez Administrative Specialist (785) 832-3475


City Prosecutor’s Office • City Hall
6 East 6th Street, Lawrence, KS 66044
Phone: (785) 832-6195     Fax: (785) 832-6198
Contact Title Phone
Elizabeth Hafoka Supervising City Prosecutor (785) 832-6195
Deborah Barnes City Prosecutor (785) 832-3469
Nichole Muckey Legal Assistant (785) 832-6195
Taylor Moore Legal Assistant (785) 832-6195


Lawrence Municipal Court
6 East 6th Street, Lawrence, KS 66044
Phone: (785) 832-6190     Fax: (785) 832-6199
Contact Title Phone
Vicki Stanwix Municipal Court Manager (785) 832-6190
Christopher E. Kopecky Municipal Court Judge (785) 832-6190