Enforcement of Fair Housing Laws

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Fair housing laws are enforced at the local, state, and federal level. Complaints may be filed at any level, or all three.

The local enforcement agency is:

Lawrence Human Relations Commission and
Human Relations Division
1006 New Hampshire
Lawrence, Kansas 66044

(785) 832-3310 TDD: (785) 832-3205

The state enforcement agency is:

Kansas Human Rights Commission
Landon State Office Building, Suite 851
900 S.W. Jackson
Topeka, Kansas 66612-1258

(785) 296-3206 TDD: (785) 296-0245

The federal enforcement agency is:

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Gateway Tower Two, Room 200
400 State Avenue
Kansas City, Kansas 66101-2406

(913) 551-6958 TDD: (913) 551-6972


If you have questions about your rights or responsibilities under fair housing laws, contact the specialists in the Lawrence Human Relations Division for a consultation.

They can also provide you with copies of Chapter X, Article 1 of the Code of the City of Lawrence, Kansas, the Kansas Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, the Mobile Home Parks Landlord and Tenant Act, informational brochures and posters.