Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.
2025-2029 Capital Improvement
- June 18, 2024: City Manager’s Recommended 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Plan Presentation
- July 9, 2024: City Manager’s Recommended Budget Presentation
- August 20, 2024: Public Hearing
- September 3, 2024: Budget Adopted
- CIP Development Process
2024-2028 Capital Improvement Plan
- City Manager's Recommended Capital Budget Presentation (June 20)
- City Manager's Recommended Budget Presentation (July 11)
- Public Hearing (August 22)
- Budget Adoption (September 5)
- CIP Development Process
2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan
- City Manager's Recommended Capital Budget Presentation (June 21)
- City Manager's Recommended Budget Presentation (July 12)
- Public Hearing (August 23)
- Budget Adoption (September 6)
- CIP Development Process
2022 - 2026 Capital Improvement Plan Materials
- City Manager's Recommended Capital Budget Presentation (June 8)
- Recommended Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
- City Manager's Recommended Budget Presentation (July 13)
- Public Hearing (August 31)
- Budget Adoption (September 7)
- Agenda Materials
- Adopted Capital Improvement Plan
- Adopted Maintenance Plan
- Adopted Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Plan (VERP)
- Resident Requests
- List of all Resident Request Forms
- Please note that several requests were received for the Centennial Skatepark Improvements and they have been consolidated into one page in the attached document
- List of all Resident Request Forms
- CIP Development Process
2021 - 2025 Capital Improvement Plan
- Adopted 2021-2025 Capital Improvement Plan
- Adopted 2021-2025 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Plan
- Adopted 2021-2025 Maintenance Plan
- City Manager's Recommended Budget Presented June 14, 2020
- Recommended Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
- Recommended Maintenance Plan
- Recommended Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Plan (VERP)
- Information Presented to the City Commission on June 9, 2020
- Requested Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
- Requested Maintenance Plan
- Requested Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Plan (VERP)
- CIP Development Process
2020 - 2024 Capital Improvement Plan
The process of developing the 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan began in March and was adopted on August 13, 2019.
- Adopted 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
- CIP Presentations  to  the City Commission
- Recommended CIP Presentation (May 14)
- Revised CIP (June 18)
2019 - 2023 Capital Improvement Plan
The process of developing the 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Plan began in March and was adopted on August 14, 2018.
- Adopted CIP
- CIP as Presented July 10, 2018
- Updated Recommended CIP (by Funding Source)
- Updated Recommended CIP (by Department)
- CIP as Presented May 8, 2018
Each year the City Commission approved a five-year CIP. The annual report provides a status update on all the CIP projects that were budgeted in FY2019.
An interactive map of the CIP projects:
Interactive 2018-2022 CIP Map
The City received several project requests from citizens.
Citizen requests recommended for funding:
Citizen requests NOT recommended for funding:
Detail Sheets for projects that are recommended to be funded:
- City Attorney Projects
- City Facility Repair
- Fire Medical
- Information Technology
- Park and Recreation
- Planning and Development
- Police
- Public Transit
- Public Works
- Public Works - Airport
- Public Works - Solid Waste
- Stormwater
- Water and Wastewater Utilities
Each year the City Commission approved a five-year CIP. The annual report provides a status update on all the CIP projects that were budgeted in FY2018.