The City Clerk’s Office, a division of the City Manager’s Office, manages city records, issues certain licenses and permits, and a variety of additional services to the public and other city departments.
2024 Standard Traffic Ordinance for Kansas Cities as modified by the City of Lawrence, KS.
- Management of city records, including records of the official actions of the Lawrence City Commission such as meeting agendas and minutes, and ordinances and resolutions; the City Clerk is the official Freedom of Information Officer for the City and coordinates responses to open records requests;
- Issuance of certain permits and business licenses; building permits and contractor/trade licenses are administered by the Development Services Division of the Planning and Development Services Department;
- Handling of documents related to special assessments on properties within the city;
- Management of list for current licensed tree trimmers.
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
City Clerk’s Office, 3rd Floor of City Hall6 East 6th Street
Lawrence, KS 66044