Register a Domestic Partnership

Microsoft is currently experiencing a nationwide service disruption which is intermittently affecting Outlook, Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive and other online services used by City staff. They are working to implement a solution but do not currently have an ETA when that will be complete.

Terms and Conditions

Pursuant to Chapter 10, Article 2 of the Code of the City of Lawrence, Kansas, 2006 Edition, and amendments thereto, we declare the following to be true and correct:

  1. We are both residents of the City of Lawrence, Kansas as defined in 10-202 of the Code of the City of Lawrence;
  2. We share a common permanent residence (we understand it is not necessary that the legal right to possess the common residence be in both our names);
  3. We have agreed to be in a relationship of mutual interdependence;
  4. We both contribute to the maintenance and support of the household (we understand we are not required to contribute equally to the household);
  5. Neither one of us is married to a third individual or a member of a domestic partnership with a third individual;
  6. Each of us is 18 years of age or older;
  7. Each of us has the mental capacity to contract;
  8. We are not related by blood in a way that would prevent us from being married to another in this State.

We understand our registration creates no legal rights, other than the right to have our domestic partnership included in the City of Lawrence Domestic Partner Registry;

We understand no person shall register or attempt to register a domestic partnership without the consent of the persons to be registered and that any person who is convicted of violating this section of the City Code shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $500 or a jail term of not less than 30 days, or both such fine and jail term;

We understand no individual who has previously filed a Declaration of Domestic Partnership in this City may file a new Declaration of Domestic Partnership until at least 90 days after the date that a Request for Removal from the Domestic Partnership was filed (we understand this prohibition does not apply if the previous domestic partnership ended because one of the partners died);

We understand the information provided on this Declaration of Domestic Partnership will become a part of a public record and may be viewed pursuant to the Kansas Open Records Act.


Three-step process

Step 1 Fill out the Domestic Partnership Registry form below. When finished, hit the “Submit” button.
Step 2 After you press the “Submit” button, you will receive an email with a link to Paymentus, where you can pay the $75 registration fee.
Step 3 When your transaction is complete, you will be returned to the City of Lawrence, KS web site. You will receive a certificate (PDF, 189 KB) and wallet-size card (PDF, 225 KB) to validate the registration of your domestic partnership in the Domestic Partnership Registry within two weeks from the City of Lawrence, KS.
Fill out my online form.