The consultant team of Christine Harris and Tom Borrup worked directly with a wide range of individuals and community representatives to collect insights and information as the basis for this cultural plan entitled, Building on Lawrence’s Creative Capital: A City-Wide Cultural Plan.
Now it’s up to all of us to put this city-wide cultural plan into action to build upon our already vibrant creative community! Beginning on page 77 (Appendix E), there’s a comprehensive Implementation Matrix—a template to help prioritize goals, programs, collaborations and partnerships—links below. The Lawrence Cultural Arts Commission encourages you to explore the City-Wide Cultural Plan and the Implementation Matrix, use it, and help by contributing any thoughts or feedback to Porter Arneill, director of communications and creative resources:
- Cultural Plan – Executive Summary
- Cultural Plan – Implementation Matrix
- Americans for the Arts
- Arts + Social Impact Explorer
- Cultural Planning at 40 – A Look at the Practice and Its Progress, Tom Borrup, Ph.D. – November, 2018 (Tom co-authored the City’s Cultural Plan)
The City of Lawrence was awarded a grant from the Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission to complete a city-wide cultural plan. The City of Lawrence has engaged the team of Christine Harris Connections and Creative Community Builders to complete a city-wide cultural plan for Lawrence. The development of a city-wide cultural plan was one of the key recommendations of the city’s Cultural District Task Force report, delivered in late 2013.
The cultural planning process will create a functional and sustainable guiding plan which a) documents Lawrence’s unique cultural assets, b) defines cultural priorities, c) recommends strategies and tools which the City of Lawrence can provide to support the efforts of the community to accomplish those priorities, and further enhance the climate in which artists, art-related businesses, cultural tourism and creative sector economic development can thrive, and d) provides recommendations for integrating infrastructure and capital improvement projects with the overall goals of the cultural plan. In order to create a successful cultural plan, numerous stakeholders in the community need to be engaged.
The city’s consultant team hosted several meetings in May and March with local artists, arts organizations, creative sector businesses, and other community stakeholders. They returned in June to facilitate a retreat with the Steering Committee and present their findings in a presentation to the City Commission – Consultant Presentation to City Commission.
The final report was delivered to the city as part of a presentation to the City Commission on August 18, 2015 and the final draft was delivered in early October.
Please direct any questions to Porter Arneill, at
- Scope of Work for consultants Christine Harris & Associates and Creative Community Builders
- Feb. 3 memorandum for approval of consultant team for cultural plan
- Request for Qualifications for Lawrence City Wide Cultural Plan
Steering Committee Information and Reports
- 10-08-15 BUILDING on LAWRENCE’S CREATIVE CAPITAL: A City-Wide Cultural Plan – Final Draft
- 09-08-15 BUILDING on LAWRENCE’S CREATIVE CAPITAL: A City-Wide Cultural Plan – Design Draft
- 08-18-15 DRAFT Cultural Plan Report – BUILDING on LAWRENCE’S CREATIVE CAPITAL: A City-Wide Cultural Plan
- 08-18-15 Consultant Final Presentation to City Commission
- 06-23-15 Consultant Presentation to City Commission
- 06-22-15 City’s DRAFT Mission and Vision for Cultural Plan Review
- 06-22-15 Characteristics of Place Report
- 05-06-15 Meeting Materials
- 03-24-15 Meeting Notes