Risk Management

Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.

Read the news release for full details >>

Claims Information

Risk Management will value and care for the City’s most valuable asset, City Employees, and will serve as a partner with City Departments empowering them to fulfill their mission of providing excellent City services.

Risk Management administers the City’s self-funded Workers’ Compensation, General Liability, and Auto Liability programs, manages the City’s portfolio of insurance coverages including Property and Public Entity Liability, and serves as a resource to City Departments on issues of loss prevention and control. All claims involving the City of Lawrence are handled by the Risk Management Division.


For more information click at the following links:

Auto claims

The City of Lawrence’s auto liability program is both self-funded/insured and self-administered by the Risk Management Division of the Administrative Services Department. Risk Management provides claims adjusting for all auto claims filed against the City and on behalf of the City. The program is compliant with requirements for self-insured municipalities as determined by the Kansas Insurance Commission and applicable Kansas Statutes. Accidents involving City vehicles are investigated by the Lawrence Police Department and the Risk Management Division.

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General Liability claims

The City of Lawrence’s general liability program is both self-funded/insured and self-administered by the Risk Management Division of the Administrative Services Department. Risk Management provides claims adjusting for all general liability claims filed against the City and on behalf of the City.

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Insurance Policies

The Risk Management Division manages a portfolio of insurance coverages to protect City property and operations from a variety of potential loss exposures. The program is intended to secure insurance coverage that will minimize the adverse effects of accidental and operational losses on the City of Lawrence. Such insurance coverages include:

  • Airport Operation Liability
  • Boiler/Machinery Breakage
  • Excess Workers’ Compensation
  • Property Fire and Casualty
  • Public Entity Liability

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Loss Control/Safety

Loss prevention, control, and safety are the very core of any Risk Management program. The City of Lawrence understands its obligation to its citizens to manage resources wisely, responsibly, and efficiently. Therefore, the City strives to provide the safest work environment possible for its employees and a safe community for its citizens while providing excellent City services. The City of Lawrence provides a variety of municipal services with widely divergent potential hazards and risks including:

Fire and Medical Response Public Safety
Park and Recreation Services
Police Public Safety
Sanitation Services
Street Maintenance
Water and Wastewater Treatment

Due to the varying scope of services, safety polices and procedures are addressed by each City Department. The Risk Management Division serves as a resource to City Departments in developing and implementing appropriate loss prevention, control, and safety programs and policies. Key to all programs are the following expectations:

    • The safety of employees, the public, and city services are most important.


    • Safety must take precedence over expediency or shorts cuts.


    • Accident prevention is everyone’s job, and all City Employees are expected to demonstrate personal responsibility by taking actions to reduce the chance of accidents and injuries.

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Workers’ Compensation

The goal of the City of Lawrence’s Workers’ Compensation program is to provide consistent and quality case management and medical care to injured City Employees allowing them to return to productivity in the workplace and their personal lives as quickly as possible. Employees will be treated fairly, openly, and honestly in compliance with Kansas Workers’ Compensation laws and regulations.

The City of Lawrence’s Workers’ Compensation program is both self-funded/insured and self-administered by the Risk Management Division. The Risk Management Division provides case management and claims administration for all injured City Employees. Insurance coverage for claims exceeding the City’s self-insured retention is procured as required by Kansas Statutes. The program is approved annually by the Kansas Department of Labor, Division of Workers Compensation, Self-Insurance/Business and Accounting Section.

Under Kansas Workers’ Compensation Statutes, medical care is provided and directed by the employer. Risk Management is responsible for the coordination and authorization of medical services provided by the City’s Medical Director, Dr. Chris Fevurly, at the Lawrence Memorial Hospital Business Health Center at 345 Maine Street, Lawrence, Kansas 66044. Dillons pharmacies are currently contracted to provide prescribed medication for the treatment of work related injuries.

City Employees with questions regarding Workers’ Compensation should contact the Risk Management Division or view the City’s Employee Intranet Website. Questions regarding Kansas Workers’ Compensation Law may be directed to the Kansas Division of Workers’ Compensation Ombudsman/Claims Advisory Section.

For more information please contact:
Risk Management
6 E 6th Street, 4th Floor
PO Box 708
Lawrence, KS 66044

Phone: (785)832-34oo

City of Lawrence
Workers’ Compensation City Code – Chapter 1 – Article 7

Kansas Division of Workers’ Compensation

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