Every week, one Parking Control Officer lays down their ticketing machine and works to clean up Downtown Lawrence. By picking up trash, performing maintenance tasks, removing crude graffiti, power-washing sidewalks, and much more, Downtown Ambassadors help to beautify and bolster Lawrence’s largest district for business and entertainment.
Beginning in July 2020, the Downtown Ambassador Program brought parking enforcement back to work while the COVID-19 crisis was at its peak. While the program went on hiatus after the city reinstated parking enforcement, the program returned in April 2023 and remains strong today. Currently, Downtown Ambassadors roam Lawrence from the Kansas River to South Park from 8:45am to 5:50pm, Tuesday through Friday.
Are you looking for volunteer opportunities? Is there something that needs cleaned or fixed up downtown? Contact us at parking@lawrenceks.org today!
2024 Ambassador Numbers

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