Miscellaneous Receivables

Microsoft is currently experiencing a nationwide service disruption which is intermittently affecting Outlook, Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive and other online services used by City staff. They are working to implement a solution but do not currently have an ETA when that will be complete.

Miscellaneous Receivables are run every Thursday through the Finance Department. These charges include everything from the purchase of cemetery lots, dumpster rentals, landfill charges, water meters and taps, inspection fees, building permits, loan payments through the Housing and Neighborhood Development Department, weed mowing charges, health and dental charges for retirees and other miscellaneous charges as determined by departments for reimbursement.

Invoices are generated and mailed every week and are due and payable upon receipt. Questions on specific charges may be directed to the department the charges are incurred from. Any other questions may be answered by calling (785) 832-3260 by phone, by fax at (785) 832-4840, or via e-mail at accountsreceivable@lawrenceks.org.