Recreation Instruction – Dance


Our adult dance classes are suitable for complete beginners, experienced dancers or those just looking for a fun and enjoyable way to get fit; we are sure to have a class to suit you! Improve coordination, link moves together and find comfort and confidence in various dance styles. You’ll be taught all the dance essentials: terminology, traveling steps, and, most importantly, rhythm.

Prices listed at a per-person rate. Some programs require partner enrollment.

For more information regarding dance classes, please contact Molly Gordon, Recreation Programmer, at (785) 330-7361.



Ages: 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 4 couples / Max 8 couples. This class is designed to you give you a feel for the basic steps, connection, and music of several dances per class. Learn fun techniques to spice up your dancing. Dancers will be introduced to the Waltz, Fox Trot, Jive and Cha Cha. No class 11/27. Partner enrollment required. Instructor: Shirley Barrand.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall

■ Ages: 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 6 couples / Max 15 couples. Get ready to scoot your boots with a wide variety of country dances including the two-step, swing, waltz and polka dance. Learn the basic movements and sharpen your dance skills in the progressive class. Partner enrollment required. Price reflects per person rate. Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall

■ Ages: 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 6 / Max 15. Join in America’s most popular dance craze! Learn the components of basic to intermediate line dances. Dance to all types of music from country, swing, pop and Latin to oldies and R&B. This class teaches you the basic foundation of line dancing as well as a variety of dances. No partner necessary. Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall

■ Ages: 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 6 couples / Max 15 couples.Get ready to tear up the dance floor with two popular nightclub dances. You’ll learn dances from both ends of the spectrum: the slow and graceful nightclub sway, and the fast and smooth hustle. You’ll be swaying and hustling to ballads, pop, hip-hop, disco, and more! Partner enrollment required. Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall

■ Ages: 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 6 couples / Max 15 couples. Come and join the worldwide sensation of swing dancing. Classes will concentrate on the up-tempo single-count East Coast swing with basic patterns, a variety of footwork and loads of fun. Class also includes an introduction to the stylish, slow and bluesy West Coast swing. Partner enrollment required. Price reflects per person rate. Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall


■ Ages: 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 6 couples / Max 15 couples. This class teaches the fundamentals and basic to intermediate patterns of Cha-Cha, a Latin dance that uses both single and triple rhythm movements. A versatile dance with interlocking slots that include both sideway patterns and forward and backward ones, all which can be incorporated into various styles of music. All levels are welcome. Partner enrollment required. Instructor: Mike Salerno
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall

■ Ages 15 and Up. Enrollment 10 / Max 30. Join in America’s most popular dance craze! Learn the components of basic to intermediate line dances. Dance to all types of music from country, swing, pop and Latin to oldies and R&B. This class teaches you the basic foundation of line dancing as well as a variety of dances. No partner necessary. Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall

■ Ages: 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 6 couples / Max 15 couples. Step onto the social Caribbean dance floor with the energetic Salsa! Learn the basics, movements, and concepts necessary to look terrific on the floor. Class will include presentation of proper footwork. Discuss of Cuban motion, and creation of torque for turns. Partner enrollment required.Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall

■ Ages: 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 6 couples / Max 15 couples. . It’s time to dance! You have learned all the steps, now you and your partner want to go out for an evening. For two hours, you will have the opportunity to dance Two-step, Waltz, East Coast Swing, West Coast Swing, Salsa, Cha-Cha, and other dances. Come enjoy your favorite dance to some great music and dance the night away! Partner enrollment required.Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall


■ Ages: 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 8 / Max 20. This workshop will focus on single-rhythm dance movements and patterns like struts, rock steps, swivels, jazz boxes and grapevines. The five major and four minor foot positions will be discussed along with body isolation and how it is used with swivels. The first two hours will be instruction on basic dance steps and patterns followed by a one-hour dance to practice. Singles and partners welcome. Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall

■ Ages 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 8 / Max 20. This program is packed full of triple-rhythm dance movements and patterns like sailor steps, coaster steps and crossing triples. You’ll review foot positions and some basic techniques that were explained in Dance Fundamentals I, and brush up on arm positions and port de bras. Then you’ll add additional moves like knee pops, boogie walks, camel walks and sailor shuffles. Singles and partners welcome. Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall

■ Ages 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 8 / Max 20.Elevate your dancing ability! Learn how to execute Spins and Turns properly with balance and control. Dance Fundamentals III is all about spins and turns, progressive and stationary. Just some of the many spins and turns defined, explained and practiced are traveling pivots, chainnés, inside and outside spins and Monterey turns. You will also learn and practice spotting techniques to increase your sense of balance and refine your spinning Singles and partners welcome. Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall

■ Ages: 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 6 couples / Max 15 couples. Come and learn one of today’s hottest dances. All levels are welcome. West Coast Swing is a slotted dance done to any style of slow and bluesy music, such as Blues, Pop, or Country. Learn the concepts of compression and stretch. Class will include foundational elements as well as moves and patterns to get you grooving on the dance floor, with lots of time to practice Partner Enrollment required. Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall

■ Ages: 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 6 couples / Max 15 couples. One of the dances with the most staying power has been East Coast Swing and its variations. East Coast Swing is a circular dance done to a wide range of upbeat music from Big Band to Contemporary to Country. Single time and triple time footwork and movements will be presented. All levels are welcome! Partner Enrollment required. Price reflects per person rate. Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall

■ Ages: 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 6 couples / Max 15 couples. . Hustle, an American dance originating in the 1970’s during the heyday of Disco, is a very exciting and energetic dance with the flexibility to look elegant and graceful, or funky and fun. It shares patterns and concepts with Swing, Salsa, and other dances with wraps and turn patterns. In this workshop, we will concentrate on foundational elements and patterns to help modernize the popular hustle and get you grooving on the dance floor! All levels are Welcome! Partner Enrollment required. Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall

■ Ages: 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 10 / Max 30. Join in America’s most popular dance craze! Learn the components of basic to intermediate line dances. Dance to all types of music from country, swing, pop and Latin to oldies and R&B. This class teaches you the basic foundation of line dancing as well as a variety of dances. No partner necessary. Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall

■ Ages: 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 10 / Max 30. For those comfortable with line dancing who would like to try longer dance sequences and more challenging choreography, this class is for you! This intermediate line dance class covers many genres of group social line dances from around the world: Country, Pop, Latin, Oldies, R&B, Swing and more No partner necessary. Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall

■ Ages: 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 6 couples / Max 15 couples. Do you have two left feet? Have you never danced before? This class will provide a foundation in general social dancing to make your special day unforgettable. You will be introduced to the shared techniques of two or three social dances with the focus on timing and partner connection. Partner enrollment required. Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall

■ Ages: 15 and Up. Enrollment Min 6 couples / Max 15 couples. Come and learn one of today’s hottest dances. All levels are welcome. West Coast Swing is a slotted dance done to any style of slow and bluesy music, such as Blues, Pop, or Country. Learn the concepts of compression and stretch. Class will include foundational elements as well as moves and patterns to get you grooving on the dance floor, with lots of time to practice. Partner enrollment required. Price reflects per person rate. Instructor: Mike Salerno.
Find out when it’s available and enroll online this fall