Bicycle Planning

Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.

Read the news release for full details >>

Learn more about the Lawrence Bike Plan Update process underway.

Bicycle Plans

BikePlanCover Bike Plan Web Map Image Countywide Bike Plan Cover
Lawrence Bikes Plan

Executive Summary

(Approved August 15, 2019)

Interactive Lawrence Bikes & Countywide Bike Map

Countywide Bike Plan

Executive Summary

(Approved July 15, 2021)

The Lawrence Bikes planning process set out to reconcile the various bicycle related plans into one vision for the future of bikeway infrastructure in Lawrence. The Lawrence Bikes Plan is a guide for the City to achieve the vision of making Lawrence a safer, more comfortable bicycle network and Silver level bike-friendly city within 6 years. The vision is supported by 5 goals: Improve Safety, Increase Ridership, Increase Access, Create a Network of Low-Stress Bikeways and Bicycle Friendly Community Silver level recognition. The Plan provides recommendations on the general location and types of bicycle facilities, projects, policies and programs that support the goals and vision. The Plan includes a vision for a bikeway network that can be developed overtime.

Lawrence Bikes Plan was approved by the MPO Policy Board on August 15, 2019.  The plan was approved by the Lawrence City Commission on October 15, 2019 via Resolution No 7299.

The Lawrence Bikes Plan was available for public comment May 15-June 14, 2019. View the comments and responses.

The Countywide Bike Plan was available for public comment May 6, June 5, 2021. View the comments and responses.

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Planning Process – Lawrence Bikes and the Countywide Bike Plan

The BAC guided the development of the plans. To view their agendas click here.

Countywide Bikeway Plan Update Scope (5.9.18)

Open House 1 and Guided Bicycle Ride Flyer (pdf)

Phase 1 Open House Boards (pdf) – Lawrence and Countywide Plan

Phase 2 Open House Boards (pdf) – Lawrence Plan

Phase 1 & 2 Public Input – Lawrence (pdf)

Phase 1 Public Input – Countywide (pdf)

Lawrence Loop

The Lawrence Loop is a project that, when completed, will provide a continuous 22-mile trail around the city limits.

A study analyzed alternative alignments to determine the feasibility and public preference for two incomplete sections of bikeway between the north end of Burroughs Creek Rail Trail along 11th Street to the Shared Use Path in Burcham Park and the west side of the Sandra Shaw Trail to the Peterson Road Shared Use Path.

Visit the Lawrence Loop webpage at

Bike Share Feasibility Study

Access the project page at

19th Street (Barker to Iowa) Practical Road Safety Assessment

On March 26, 2015, a Road Safety Assessment (RAS) was conducted for the 19th Street Corridor from Barker to Iowa. The RSA is part of a U.S. DOT initiative to reduce bicycle & pedestrian injuries and by helping communities built streets that are safer for people walking, bicycling, and taking public transportation. Read the report.

Bicycle Parking in Downtown Lawrence Inventory

The inventory considers guidelines for bicycle parking and types of bicycle parking facilities available in Downtown Lawrence. It includes a location map and list of the available parking by type and makes BAC recommendations for bicycle parking improvements. Read the report.
Bicycle Parking in Downtown Lawrence Inventory – Summer 2010

Bicycle Parking and Amenities Policy Review and Policy Review with Citywide and Downtown Recommendations – Fall 2016

Bicycle Parking Data Update Memo – June 2020

Bicycle Resources

Bike to Work

The City of Lawrence would like to encourage all residents to experience the benefits of bicycling to work during this time and reminds bicycle riders and drivers to safely share the road.

Rules & Tips Poster

Bicycle Rideability Map

The bicycle rideability map is designed to promote, encourage and educate bicyclists. The map assists riders in choosing routes most applicable to their skill level, alerts them to difficult intersections, shows major landmarks to help bicyclists navigate around town and identifies transit connections. View a version of the map here.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Counts

Access the count page at

Bicycle Friendly Community

The Bicycle Friendly Communities Campaign is an awards program administered by the League of American Bicyclists that recognizes municipalities that actively support bicycling. A Bicycle-Friendly Community provides safe accommodation for cycling and encourages its residents to bike for transportation and recreation. The City of Lawrence has been recognized as a Bicycle Friendly Community at the Bronze level since 2004.

In 2016, the City of Lawrence was re-designated at the Bronze level and the League of American Bicyclists provided a Report Card.

In 2020, the City of Lawrence was re-designated at the Bronze Level and the League of American Bicyclists provided a Report Card.

In 2024, the City of Lawrence was re-designated at the Bronze Level and the League of American Bicyclists provided a Report Card.

PlacesforBikes City Ratings

The PlacesForBikes City Ratings are a data-driven analysis that evaluates the safety, appeal, and infrastructure of bicycling in more than 500 communities. Rankings are designed to show cities where they stand — and provide insight into where infrastructure investments should be made to build complete, connected bike networks.

For complete results and additional program details, please visit

In 2019, the City of Lawrence was ranked sixth overall.  The City was provided a Score Card.

In 2020, the City of Lawrence was ranked 3rd in the safety category. The City was provided a Score Card.

Bicycle Safety

Every year the City of Lawrence works to improve the conditions of cycling and vehicular transportation. Part of the City’s charge is to educate motorists and cyclists on the best ways to share the road. Sharing the road means that drivers and cyclists work together to improve road safety through shared awareness, patience, courtesy and cooperation.

Lawrence Share the Road
Bicycle Safety Public Service Announcements
Kansas Cycling Laws and Statutes
Helmet Use Laws by State
NHTSA Bicycle Safety Tips


Visit for information about bike repair stand locations, reporting bike repair stand damage, and educational links.