Bicycle and Pedestrian Counts

Some GIS maps and web apps are experiencing issues preventing them from opening. The issue is known and a resolution is being worked on.

Counts were conducted by volunteers at locations across the city. Volunteers use the standardized National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation (NBPD) Project method created by Alta Planning and Design and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE).

The goals of the NBPD are to: (1) Establish a consistent national bicycle and pedestrian count and survey methodology;(2) Establish a national database of bicycle and pedestrian count information generated by these consistent methods and practices; and (3) Use the count and survey information to begin analysis on the correlations between local demographic, climate and land-use factors and bicycle and pedestrian activity. Walking and bicycling generally lack the consistent data routinely collected for other modes of transportation. Measuring the benefits of investments for walking and bicycling is difficult without accurate and consistent data. The ability to measure the region’s bicycling and walking rates is likely to become more important, as the next federal transportation bill is likely to place more emphasis on performance measures and evaluation.

Data collected on bicycling and walking will assist City and Regional Leaders with estimating usage and demand for bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The counts will also be used to track the region’s progress on increasing the use of non-motorized transportation, strengthen grant applications to leverage additional federal funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects, evaluate existing projects, and help determine the location of future investments.

Lawrence Count Data Summary
Eudora Count Data Summary
Baldwin City Count Data Summary

Lawrence Loop Counts 2017 v. 2020