Fats, Oils & Grease (FOG)

Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.

Read the news release for full details >>

What do bacon, ice cream, and peanut butter all have in common? They are more than just tasty treats. They are also sources of fats, oils, and grease, also known as FOG.

While fats, oil, and grease add extra flavor to your food, pouring FOG down the drain can leave a real mess in the Lawrence sewer collection system and impact our streams.

FOG creates clogs that can back up sewage into your street, yard, or home and can even send it spilling into a neighborhood stream! Think of it this way – if it can clog arteries in the body, then it will probably clog the sewer pipe. Fortunately, cleaning up FOG is as easy as doing a few simple things around the kitchen.

Restaurants & Businesses

Restaurants and businesses play a significant role in reducing FOG in Lawrence’s collection system. Find out more FOG reduction info for restaurants and businesses by visiting the FOG Reduction for Restaurants and Businesses webpage.

You Can Help!

  • Before washing dishes, use a paper towel or a scraper to wipe FOG from dishes and dispose of it in the trash or compost.
  • Use sink strainers to catch food waste.
  • Put food scraps in the trash or compost bin, not through the garbage disposal.
  • Contain cooking oil and grease for proper disposal.  See below for disposal options.
  • Residents FOG Reduction Info

Sources of Fats, Oils and Grease

FOG can come from a variety of sources, many of which we forget contain FOG. Examples include:

Baked Goods Fried or Sautéed Peanut Butter
Batter Lard Buttered Popcorn
Butter & Margarine Mayonnaise Salad Dressings
Cooking Oil Meats (Including Trimmings & Skins) Sauces & Gravy
Dairy Products Pastries Shortening

Disposal Options

Fat and grease can be cooled and contained for trash disposal in a sealed container.  Small amounts of cooking oil (less than one quart) can be absorbed or frozen for trash disposal. Cat litter works well for absorbing small amounts of cooking oil. Cooking oil can also be recycled through the City of Lawrence Household Hazardous Waste Facility.

Frequently Asked Questions