Traffic Cameras
View the current traffic in town on the Lawrence Traffic Cameras page.
Road Conditions
Multimodal Transportation Commission
Established via Ordinance 9722, the Multimodal Transportation Commission works to advance the health, safety, and welfare of all residents of the City of Lawrence through strong multimodal transportation planning. Multimodal transportation planning facilitates access to transportation for all residents of the community and has been shown to be an effective tool in reducing energy dependency and traffic congestion.
- Agendas, Minutes, Roster
- TC19-001: Non-Motorized Projects Prioritization Policy (PDF)
- Resolution 7271: Complete Streets Policy (PDF)
- Resolution 7272: Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (PDF)
- Traffic Safety Commission Agenda & Minutes (Pre-2017)
- Sidewalk Improvement Program – Data Driven Process
Transportation Engineering
- NACTO Urban Street Design Guide
- NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
- Roundabout Informational Video
Transportation Planning
Transportation 2050 represents the best attempts by residents, local governments, and planners to develop a vision for a healthy, safe, and efficient transportation system that will adequately serve Lawrence and Douglas County to the year 2050 and beyond.
Transportation Data and Performance Measures
- Bike Project Dashboard
- Pedestrian Project Dashboard
- City of Lawrence Strategic Plan – Connected City – Key Performance Indicators
- Transportation 2050 – Performance Measures
- Lawrence Pedestrian Plan – Performance Measures
- Lawrence Bikes Plan – Performance Measures
- Kansas Department of Transportation Crash Data
- KDOT Drive to Zero Crash Data Dashboard- Fatal and Serious Injury Crashes