Certificate of Occupancy Requirements, Policies & Procedures

Some GIS maps and web apps are experiencing issues preventing them from opening. The issue is known and a resolution is being worked on.
The City’s new permitting and licensing software, Enterprise Permitting & Licensing (EPL) is now live.

An official Certificate of Occupancy (or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy) must be issued by the Building Official prior to occupancy of any new building or building space (or addition to a building/building space) constructed under a valid building permit issued by the City of Lawrence Planning & Development Services Department/Building Safety Division. This includes both residential 1 & 2 family construction projects and “commercial” construction projects (commercial construction projects include permits for other than one- and two-family construction projects, including multi-family residential buildings with three or more units).

Except for minor remodeling projects, a Certificate of Occupancy (or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy) is also required prior to occupancy of any reconfigured or substantially altered/remodeled commercial building or building space, and for any change in the Building Code use/occupancy classification of an existing commercial building or building space (“Change of Occupancy”). A Certificate of Occupancy is generally not required for 1 & 2 family residential alteration, remodeling or repair projects.