Flood Insurance Rate Maps

Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.

Read the news release for full details >>

The City’s new permitting and licensing software, Enterprise Permitting & Licensing (EPL) is now live.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM)

Information on this page relate to the official Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for all of Douglas County, including the Cities of Baldwin, Eudora, Lawrence, and Lecompton.

Copies of the FIRMs (effective date 2001) and FIS are available for review at the Planning Office (1 Riverfront Plaza), Douglas County Public Works (3755 E 25th Street), and the Lawrence Public Library (707 Vermont Street). Copies are also available for review at the City Clerk’s offices in Baldwin, Eudora, and Lecompton.

Full size copies of the maps are available for purchase at the Planning Office by advance requests. Cost is $5 per map. Please allow a minimum of three (3) working days for requests of three (3) or fewer maps.

A request of more than three (3) maps may require additional time.

For specific inquiries regarding development of the FIRMs, please contact Sonja Wood at the NFIP in Ottawa, Kansas, at (785) 242-1097. For information about Letters of Map Amendments (LOMAs) or Letters of Map Revisions (LOMRs), please contact Roger Benson at the FEMA Regional Office in Kansas City, Missouri, at (816) 283-7031 or by email at roger.benson@dhs.gov. General questions to determine whether or not a property is located within the floodplain can be answered by calling the Planning Office at (785) 832-7700.

FEMA Maps Online

2015 and 2010


For your convenience, the City has made the FIRMs available for online viewing. To view the maps, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader software (to download your free copy of Adobe Acorbat Reader, please click on the icon at the bottom of the menu bar to the left).

The maps are interactive and “zoomable” using the “magnifying glass” icon located on the Reader tool bar. The maps are large graphic pdf files and lengthy download times are possible. To visit FEMA’s Flood Hazard mapping page, Click Here

Click on the FIRM Index to locate a specific map area within Douglas County. After identifying the map you need, click the “back” button on your web browser to return you to this page. Click on the map number listed below for a detailed look at the area you are interested in.

Each map has a legend located in the upper righthand corner. Refer to the legend to determine the flood insurance zone of the location you are interested in. For more information on how to read and intepret FIRMs, please Click here.

Note: the map numbers listed below have been abbreviated from the map numbers listed on the FIRM Index. For example, the map area identified as “20045C0002” on the FIRM Index is shown as “Map 2” in the map listing below.