Flood Map Modernization
This information is provided in conjunction with the city’s application to participate in the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Community Rating System program, which is part of the National Flood Insurance Program. Participation in the CRS program results in reduced flood insurance premiums for the entire community.
The city applied October 2003, earning a Community Rating of “7”. Effective October 1, 2004, all city residents purchasing flood insurance will receive a 10-percent reduction in flood insurance premiums. To learn more about the CRS program please visit the FEMA web site.
The Lawrence/Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Office maintains numerous resources related to floods, floodplains, and floodplain development. This information is available for the public to review. The Planning Office also coordinates with other city departments, and county, state, and federal agencies to ensure this information is current. Much of this information is available online, but also is at the Planning Office, City Hall, 6 E. 6th St., between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. These resources are also available for review at the Lawrence Public Library, 707 Vermont St.
Outreach and Education
Find information about the local flood hazard, flood warning and safety, flood insurance and property protection, storm water and drainage system maintenance, the natural and beneficial functions of floodplains.
Rules and Regulations
Find out about the city’s floodplain regulations and floodplain development permit requirements, elevation certificates, storm water management and pollution controls.
Maps and Documents
Take a look at the official 2010 Federal Emergency Management National Flood Insurance Program, Flood Insurance Rate Maps, the City’s Storm water Management Master Plan.
Additional Information
Still can’t find what you are looking for? Try contacting any of the local, regional, state, or federal agencies for additional information or answers to specific questions.