The City’s new permitting and licensing software, Enterprise Permitting & Licensing (EPL) is now live.
The Comprehensive Plan 2040 provides a vision and expresses a community’s desires about the future. It provides the foundation and framework for making future physical development and policy decisions. It is used as a policy guide that identifies the community’s goals for directing future land use decisions. The Plan also is used by property owners to identify where and how development should occur; by residents to understand what the city and county anticipates for future land uses within the community; and by the city, county and other public agencies to plan for future improvements to serve the growing population of the community.
Older Plans (not available electronically):
- Capital Improvements Plan (1999-2004)
- Clinton Reservoir Area Mini-Comprehensive Plan
- Comprehensive Downtown Plan
- Downtown Urban Design Concept Plan
- Southern Development Plan
- South Lawrence Trafficway Corridor Land Use Plan
- Western Development Plan