Small Business

Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.

Read the news release for full details >>

The City’s new permitting and licensing software, Enterprise Permitting & Licensing (EPL) is now live.

Small business preparation starts with a commitment and desire from the small business owner/entrepreneur. You must learn to calculate your risk factors before, during and after your business start or expansion. The following tools and resources are here to help assist you on your small business journey.


Lawrence Metro E-Community Revolving Loan Fund

Are you a Small Business Looking For Gap Financing?

The City’s Metro E-Community revolving loan fund provides the “Urban Entrepreneur” with access to gap financing and economic opportunities.

Metro E-Community projects must meet ONE of the following criteria for consideration:

  • Business located in a distressed area (20%+ live below poverty level)
  • 51% of business is owned by a woman, minority or disadvantaged entity
  • Business’ products/services support disadvantaged/underserved populations
  • Business currently employs or will employ low-income employees
  • Business’ mission is to serve disadvantaged/underserved populations

Download the Lawrence Metro E-Community Program Information & Application (PDF).

For more information, contact:      

Adam Handshy
Director of Programs & Business Development
Lawrence, Douglas County Chamber of Commerce