Officer Allen Moore

In Memoriam, Lawrence Police Officer Allen Moore

Photo of Allen MoreOn Wednesday, May, 2, 1901, Officer Allen became the first Lawrence Police Officer to die in the line of duty.  Officer Moore, known at that time as the “North Lawrence Officer” had been on duty and was at the Union Pacific Train Depot in North Lawrence.  Moore had been seated, and as was customary for the time had his revolver and holster around his waist covering his midsection.  A seated Moore stood and the “rising” motion caused his revolver to fall from its holster, discharge, and the bullet struck Moore in the stomach and exited his back.  Moore died hours later at the home of a friend.

The events surrounding the death of Officer Moore were unknown to recent past and current members of the Lawrence Police Department until 1991 when Moore’s descendants contacted the Watkins Community Museum and the Lawrence Police Department seeking information concerning his service and death.  A cooperative effort by staff of the museum and Police led to the microfilm files of the Lawrence Public Library. After an extensive search two local newspaper obituaries for Officer Moore were found, one from a daily and the other from a weekly paper.  They are the only remaining documentation concerning the events surrounding Officer Moore’s death. One is reprinted below.

One photograph portrait of Officer Moore is known to exist and is courtesy of his family descendants.  A plaque honoring officer Moore that contains his photograph and copies of the obituaries is displayed in the Union Pacific Depot.


The North Side Officer Accidentally Kills Himself

Allen Moore, a policeman on the north side of the river, accidentally shot himself in the stomach last night at 1:45 and died at the home of King Adams at 6:30 this morning.

Photo of Officer Allen Moore's headstone
Moore had come on duty at midnight and went into the Union Pacific telegraph office.  He sat on a chair and when he arose his revolver slipped out of its case onto the floor, being discharged at once.  The lead entered his stomach and passed entirely through him.  Aid was at once summoned and the injured man was taken to the home of King Adams where he was tenderly cared for until death came.

Mr. Moore was a man highly respected by all who knew him.  He had an aged mother and six children who were present at the time of his death.  His wife died about four years ago.  Mr. Moore knew from the first that he would die and made all possible preparations. He called his children before him and counseled them to live upright lives.  He told them that since their mother had been taken away he had tried the best he could to bring them up the right way and know thathetoo was to go, he asked them to
mind their grandmother.  He told them that he was going to join their mother in heaven and he wanted them all to meet them there when life’s work was done.  It was a pathetic scene but the man died in full blessing of Christian belief and confident that it was well with him.

Marshall Prentice was with him for several hours and other friends did all that was possible for the dying man,but the wound was too serious to be healed and he went to his long home.

(Reproduction from the Lawrence Weekly World, Wednesday, May 22, 1901)