Adopted Downtown Lawrence Plan (High Resolution PDF)
Adopted Downtown Lawrence Plan (Low Resolution PDF)
Through the City’s 2017 strategic planning process, the City Commission identified a priority initiative of creating a Downtown Plan that includes identifying needed and desirable assets, identifying existing infrastructure and uses, and discovering potential uses and obstacles in response to the critical success factor of Economic Growth and Security. The desire is to create a sustainable plan that recognizes the existing successful nature of downtown and enhances downtown by incorporating innovative and creative initiatives through intensive stakeholder and community input.
The plan will explore all elements including, but not limited to, land use relationships, opportunities for development and redevelopment, programming of public space, landscaping, transportation, infrastructure and streetscape, with a heavy emphasis on cultural and historical resources and activities.
Houseal Lavigne Associates (HLA) was selected through a Request for Proposals (RFP) process to be the city’s consultant on the plan.
There were 7 steps in the process to develop the plan:
- Step 1: Project Initiation (COMPLETED)
- Step 2: Community Outreach and Engagement (COMPLETED)
- Step 3: Market and Demographic Analysis (COMPLETED)
- Step 4: Existing Conditions Summary (COMPLETED)
- Step 5: Downtown Visions, Goals and Objectives (COMPLETED)
- Step 6: Drafting of the Plan (COMPLETED)
- Step 7: Plan Adoption (COMPLETED August 10, 2021)
The draft plan was revised based on the Steering Committee’s guidance from their July 8th meeting and was posted. The revised draft Downtown Lawrence Plan will be considered for adoption by the City Commission at their August 10, 2021 meeting. The agenda packet for that City Commission meeting will be posted at the end of the day on August 5th and information on how to send comments or participate in that meeting can be found on the City Commission’s webpage.
Downtown Plan Virtual Open House, Thursday May 20, 6-8 p.m. – Meeting Video | Presentation
Downtown Plan Steering Committee Virtual Meeting, Thursday May 27, 4-6 p.m. – Meeting Agenda | Meeting Video | PresentationÂ
City Commission Meeting, Tuesday, June 1– Agenda Item Report | Meeting Video
Downtown Plan Steering Committee Virtual Meeting, Thursday July 8, 4-6 p.m. – Agenda Item Report  | Meeting Video
For information regarding the Downtown Plan Steering Committee, please visit their page.
Questions or comments may be directed to