
Unmistakable Identity

Lawrence is a welcoming community, synonymous with arts, diverse culture, fun, and a quintessential downtown. City parks and community events contribute to the vibrancy experienced by all people in Lawrence.

Progress Indicators

To realize our Vision for Lawrence, we endeavor to achieve this outcome. As such, the City Commission has identified several Progress Indicators to track progress towards this outcome. The Progress Indicators are listed below.

Commitment Area for UI-1: Community Engagement

Commitment Area for UI-2: Community Engagement

Commitment Area for UI-3: Efficient and Effective Processes

Commitment Area for UI-4: Efficient and Effective Processes

Commitment Area for UI-5: Equity and Inclusion

Commitment Area for UI-6: Equity and Inclusion

Commitment Area for UI-7: Equity and Inclusion

Commitment Area for UI-8: Equity and Inclusion

Commitment Area for UI-9: Sound Fiscal Stewardship

Commitment Area for UI-10: Sound Fiscal Stewardship

Commitment Area for UI-11: Engaged and Empowered Teams

Commitment Area for UI-12: Environmental Sustainability

Commitment Area for UI-13: Environmental Sustainability

Commitment Area for UI-14: Environmental Sustainability