Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.
Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.
When is residential trash picked up if there is a holiday?
The solid waste service schedule will fluctuate depending on which day the holiday falls on. Visit the Service Calendar & Reminders page for more information, or call the Solid Waste Division at 785-832-3032.
What time should I have my trash set out, where do I set it and what happens if my trash is missed?
The City of Lawrence begins residential collection service at 6 a.m. Please have all refuse out by this time on your day of service. The location of your set out is dependent on your address. Search our Service Calendar & Map to see when your collection day is. Visit the Residential Trash Collection page for more information.
What do I do with large or bulky trash items, like a couch or refrigerator?
What items are prohibited from your household trash?
Call the Solid Waste Division at 785-832-3032 for all questions regarding prohibited items or visit the Residential Trash Collection page for more information.
How do I dispose of construction waste?
There are different regulations on disposal of construction debris based on amount, frequency and residential/commercial location. Call the Solid Waste Division at 785-832-3032 for all questions regarding construction waste, such as lumber, rock, sheetrock, etc. Visit the Roll-Off Services page for more information.
What landfill does the city use for trash?
The Solid Waste Division takes all trash to the Hamm Sanitary Landfill, located north of Lawrence. For additional questions regarding the landfill or dump, call Hamm directly at 785-597-5111.
Recycling & Reuse
Where can I take old clothing, household furniture and building materials for reuse or recycling?
Lawrence has several thrift and re-sale stores providing reuse opportunities for many items. Planet Aid also accepts bagged, dry clothing and shoes in yellow containers located throughout Lawrence.
Is curbside recycling service available in Lawrence?
Yes. In October 2014, the City’s Solid Waste Division began providing a single-stream recycling collection service for single-family and multi-family customers.
What is single-stream curbside recycling?
Single-stream curbside recycling means all permitted recyclable materials may be combined at your home and set out for collection in a co-mingled recycling container. For more information, visit the City of Lawrence Recycling page.
Where in Lawrence can I drop off materials for recycling?
Lawrence has several privately owned drop-off centers offering residents and businesses recycling options for many different types of materials. In addition, there are municipal recycling drop-off bins throughout town for cardboard, glass, newspaper and mixed paper.
Does the City provide any recycling services for businesses?
Yes. The City of Lawrence Solid Waste Division provides both corrugated cardboard and office paper recycling programs. There is no additional charge for the recycling containers or this service. For more information, visit the City of Lawrence Recycling page.
Is there a directory of local recycling and reuse opportunities?
Where can I dispose of or recycle small appliances, like toasters and microwaves?
Small appliances can be disposed of legally in your household trash, but can be recycled also. Visit the City of Lawrence recycling page for more information, or call 785-832-3032.
Where can I recycle burned out fluorescent, HID, neon or other mercury containing lamps?
Any lamp or bulb labeled “Hg” contains mercury vapor. Recycling mercury containing lamps prevents the release of mercury into the environment and allows for the reuse of glass, metals and other materials that make up these lights. Visit our Recyclable Materials Directory for information on recycling options for both households and businesses.
What should I do if I break a fluorescent light bulb in my home?
How can I dispose of excess or expired medications and pharmaceuticals?
Research has found medications and their byproducts in ground and surface waters, suggesting that disposal of unused or outdated medicine down the toilet is not a completely effective way of preventing contamination. View the City of Lawrence medication disposal flier (PDF).
How can I dispose of used motor oil, leftover paint, cleaners, solvents, pesticides, batteries and other household hazardous waste?
Household hazardous waste represents a wide variety of wastes which are produced as a result of normal household activities. Each of these products may pose a threat to sanitation workers or public health and the environment when improperly handled or disposed.
There are several drop-off recycling locations in Lawrence for motor oil, antifreeze and lead-acid batteries. Visit the Recylable Materials Directory for more information.
The City of Lawrence/Douglas County Household Hazardous Waste Facility accepts a wide variety of hazardous materials from Douglas County households for proper disposal. Visit the City of Lawrence Household Hazardous Waste page for more information.
As a small business, what are my options for hazardous waste disposal?
The City of Lawrence/Douglas County Business Hazardous Waste program can provide hazardous waste disposal for qualifying small businesses in Douglas County. For more information, visit the City of Lawrence Small Business Hazardous Waste Program page.
Where can I obtain free paint and household cleaners?
The City of Lawrence/Douglas County Household Hazardous Waste Facility distributes paint, cleaners and other items that are in good, usable condition to the public free of charge. Visit the City of Lawrence Household Hazardous Waste page for more information.
Yard Waste & Composting
Does the City pick up yard trimmings (grass, leaves and small woody debris) from my curb?
The City picks up yard waste which includes grass, leaves and small woody debris on the same day as trash service, year-round from households (winter weather permitting). Material must be set out at the curb by 6 a.m. in City yard waste carts (not recycling or trash carts) or compostable yard waste paper bags. Bundles of tree and brush trimmings are also accepted. Each bundle must not exceed five feet in length nor 18 inches in diameter, and must not weigh more than 65 pounds. Bundles must be tied with string or twine (no wire, duct tape, etc.). Yard waste set out in plastic bags or personal cans will not be picked up.
What can I do with brush and trimmed tree limbs?
Set it out in a City yard waste cart, compostable paper bags or bundles by 6 a.m. for curbside collection on Mondays, March through mid-December. Woody debris can also be dropped off on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., from March through mid-December at the City’s Composting Facility located at 1420 E. 11th Street. Cost is $5 per truckload.
How can I recycle my Christmas tree?
After the Christmas holiday, the Solid Waste Division picks up live-cut trees for reuse as wildlife habitat. Please remove all artificial items including tinsel, lights, and tree stands. Have your tree set out at the curb by 6 a.m. for pickup. Visit the City of Lawrence Christmas Tree-Cycling page for more information including exact dates, or call the Solid Waste Division at 785-832-3032.
Does the City distribute the compost it makes from yard trimmings?
Yes, compost and woodchips are available on Saturdays, self-load only 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. from March through mid-December (fees may apply). The City also hosts a Spring and Fall Compost & Woodchip Sale in which scoops of the finished compost and woodchips are loaded by tractor and sold to residents for use on their home lawns and gardens. For specific details, visit the Compost & Woodchip sales page.
Outreach & Education
Does the City’s Solid Waste Division offer educational opportunities for youth and adults?
Yes, the Solid Waste Division offers outreach and education opportunities for youth and adults in the community. We can offer facility tours and class presentations, to name a few. Check out our Outreach page to learn more.