Frequently Asked Questions

Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.

Read the news release for full details >>

Trash Collection

When is residential trash picked up if there is a holiday?
What time should I have my trash set out, where do I set it and what happens if my trash is missed?
What do I do with large or bulky trash items, like a couch or refrigerator?
What items are prohibited from your household trash?
How do I dispose of construction waste?
What landfill does the city use for trash?

Recycling & Reuse

Where can I take old clothing, household furniture and building materials for reuse or recycling?
Is curbside recycling service available in Lawrence?
What is single-stream curbside recycling?
Where in Lawrence can I drop off materials for recycling?
Does the City provide any recycling services for businesses?
Is there a directory of local recycling and reuse opportunities?
How can I be reminded of my trash, recycling, and yard waste collection days?

Hazardous Waste & Electronics

Where can I recycle electronics such as computers and televisions?
Where can I dispose of or recycle small appliances, like toasters and microwaves?
Where can I recycle burned out fluorescent, HID, neon or other mercury containing lamps?
What should I do if I break a fluorescent light bulb in my home?
How can I dispose of excess or expired medications and pharmaceuticals?
How can I dispose of used motor oil, leftover paint, cleaners, solvents, pesticides, batteries and other household hazardous waste?
As a small business, what are my options for hazardous waste disposal?
Where can I obtain free paint and household cleaners?

Yard Waste & Composting

Does the City pick up yard trimmings (grass, leaves and small woody debris) from my curb?
What can I do with brush and trimmed tree limbs?
How can I recycle my Christmas tree?
Does the City distribute the compost it makes from yard trimmings?

Outreach & Education

Does the City’s Solid Waste Division offer educational opportunities for youth and adults?