Moving Information & Tips

Some GIS maps and web apps are experiencing issues preventing them from opening. The issue is known and a resolution is being worked on.


Did you know that Americans throw away, on average, 4.4 pounds of waste per day? That number only goes up when someone is gearing up for a move. Give yourself enough time to sort through your things before you move. This will keep you from feeling overwhelmed and allow you to find the best reuse, recycling and safe disposal options for items you no longer wish to keep.

Planning Your Move

When moving, the first step is to plan ahead – sort your items into “Keep” and “Get rid of it” piles and take these waste reduction methods into consideration:

REDUCE the amount of waste generated by using reusable or recyclable padding like towels, cloth napkins or newspaper to pack your boxes instead of purchasing Styrofoam peanuts or plastic wrap. Stop by your nearest grocery, office, or book store to take advantage of free cardboard boxes for reuse.

REUSE/DONATE gently used clothing and household goods to local charities, hold a moving sale, or post to online Buy, Sell, Trade groups. Donate non-perishable food to local food banks, pantries and shelters.

RECYCLE obsolete electronic equipment, cardboard boxes, newspapers, plastic bags and all other recyclable materials – both before and after your move. Search the Recyclable Materials Directory for local options.

PROPERLY DISPOSE of paint, automotive products, household cleaners, pesticides and other potentially hazardous chemicals at the City of Lawrence/Douglas County Household Hazardous Waste Facility. Click here for hours of operation and more information.

SCHEDULE A PICK-UP  by calling Habitat for Humanity Restore (856-6920), Salvation Army (856-1115), or the Lawrence Community Shelter’s Move-Out Program (832-8864) for your furniture and household goods. Are the items no longer usable? The City will collect bulky items such as couches, appliances and automobile tires, submit an online request form or call 832-3032.

WHAT ABOUT MY CARTS? Please do not take the city trash and recycling carts with you when you move. Carts belong to the address delivered. Brown yard waste carts can be moved to your new home or left for the next resident.

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