Yard Waste

Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.

Read the news release for full details >>

Curbside Collection of Yard Waste

The City of Lawrence offers a year-round (as winter weather permits) weekly collection of yard waste for residential customers on the same day as the customer’s trash day.

  • Yard waste should be set out by 6 a.m. on designated collection day (same day as trash collection). Yard waste is collected separately from trash and taken to the City’s Compost Facility.
  • Yard waste collection is only available for residential customers. Commercial customers who need to dispose of yard waste can contract with a landscape company or drop off yard waste during the Saturday open hours at the Compost Facility.
  • Yard waste must be set out in approved containers. Approved containers include compostable paper yard waste bags and 95-gallon brown yard waste carts sold by the City. Yard waste should not be placed in plastic bags or any other can/cart than the brown yard waste cart sold by the City.
  • Bundles of brush are also accepted. Must not exceed five feet in length and 18 inches in diameter, and must not weigh more than 65 pounds. Bundles must be tied with string or twine (no wire, duct tape, etc.).
  • Tree limbs or logs 1″ or more in diameter will not be collected, as they damage the trucks.
  • Yard, shrub and tree trimmings must not extend more than 12 inches above the top of the container.
  • Sod, soil/dirt, mulch, landscaping rock, or treated lumber (including fence posts, landscaping timbers, wood pallets, etc.) will not be collected.
  • Food scraps and waste are not considered yard waste and will not be collected.
  • Trash should not be placed in brown paper bags or brown yard waste carts.
  • Once delivered, Yard Waste Carts are the responsibility of the customer. If Yard Waste Carts are damaged or destroyed, it is the customer’s responsibility to repair or purchase a new cart. If the cart is damaged by city staff, the City will repair or replace the cart for up to 1 year.

For more information about the curbside collection of yard waste, call Solid Waste Customer Service at 785-832-3032 or email solidwaste@lawrenceks.org

Compost Facility Saturdays

Customers can drop off yard waste at the Compost Facility on certain Saturdays. The compost facility also offers compost and woodchips for customers. Visit the Compost Facility webpage to view the dates the facility is open, as well as guidelines for the facility and other information.

The City no longer sells backyard compost bins for residents. If you are interested in backyard compost bins, check with the Douglas County Sustainability Department, or they can be purchased at many local home improvement stores and online.

Other Information