Utility Billing Rates

Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities,ย will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.

Read the news release for full details >>

The water and sewer service rates, effective January 1, 2025, are outlined below.

Qualified low-income elderly residents may apply for reduced rates.

Read the City Code regarding utility rates ยป

Water Volume Charge

Customer ClassInside CityOutside City
Residential - Block 1$10.27 per 1000 gallons$11.30 per 1000 gallons
Residential - Block 2$11.30 per 1000 gallons$12.43 per 1000 gallons
Residential - Block 3$11.82 per 1000 gallons$13.01 per 1000 gallons
Multifamily$8.48 per 1000 gallons$9.33 per 1000 gallons
Commercial$9.83 per 1000 gallons$10.82 per 1000 gallons
Industrial$9.34 per 1000 gallons$10.28 per 1000 gallons
Irrigation$11.82 per 1000 gallons$13.01 per 1000 gallons

Water/Sewer Ordinance #9929 (1/1/2024).

The Individual Inclining Block Rate methodology is a three-block system that utilizes each customerโ€™s Winter Quarter Average (WQA) for water consumption rates and encourages water conservation and provides better equity among customers. The residential blocks are calculated using each customerโ€™s Winter Quarter Average (WQA), which is based on the actual water usage for the billing periods falling in the months ofย December, January and February (the winter months). Billing blocks are determined each month and are contingent on each residential customerโ€™s water usage for that month. Residential customers will be billed at the Block 1 rate for all consumption up to and including 125% of the WQA in any given month. Any usage in a single month that is greater than 125% through 200% of the WQA will be billed at the Block 2 rate. Any usage in a single month above 200% of the WQA will be charged at the Block 3 rate.

For more information on Individual Inclining Block rates, including low winter usage, visit lawrenceks.org/utility-billing/inclining-block/.

Water Monthly Service Charge

Meter SizeInside CityOutside City
5/8 and 3/4 Inch Meter$5.45$5.95
1 Inch Meter$6.50$7.15
1 1/2 Inch Meter$7.50$8.25
2 Inch Meter$10.25$11.30
3 Inch Meter$30.45$33.50
4 Inch Meter$37.95$41.70
6 Inch Meter$56.25$61.90
8 Inch Meter$75.60$83.20
10 Inch Meter$99.15$109.05
12 Inch Meter$115.35$126.90
15 Inch Meter$153.85$169.25
Multi-Family (Per Unit)$5.45$5.95

State Water Fees

Effective January 1, 1993, the state of Kansas has imposed a fee of $0.032 per 1,000 gallons of water used for the purpose of the State Water Protection Act.

New Water Service Charges

New developments will be charged for water service installation based on the meter size and distance for the install and System Development Charges. System Development Charges are a one-time fee to fund water and wastewater capital improvement projects to build expanded system capacity. New Water Service Installation Charges can be viewed HERE.

Sewer Monthly Charge

Inside CityOutside City
Volume Charge$12.22 per 1,000 gallons$15.89 per 1,000 gallons
Monthly Service Charge (All sizes of Meters)$18.15$19.95
Multi-Family (Per Unit)$18.15$19.95

Monthly Sanitation Charge

35 gal cart$20.94
65 gal cart$22.76
95 gal cart$25.17
Additional 35 gal cart$3.34
Additional 65 gal cart$4.54
Additional 95 gal cart$5.75
Low-Income Elderly 65 gal cart$7.97
Multifamily carts per unit$22.76
Multifamily shared dumpster per unit$17.72
Commercial Minimum Charge$34.03
Commercial Each Add 95 gal cart$16.66

Solid Waste Ordinance #10090 (1/1/2025)
More details on Commercial Rates

Stormwater Rates

Fees are based on the area of impervious surface on the property. The amount charged is determined by multiplying the number of ERUโ€™s by the current rate (listed in chart below). Please see the Frequently Asked Questions section of the Stormwater Management page for more information about Stormwater. The below table shows 2025 rates, effective 1/1/2025.

Apartment footprint per unitERUsMonthly Charge
up to 7500.37$3.16
Single-family footprintERUsMonthly Charge
up to 1,0000.67$5.72
1,001 to 1,8001.00$8.54
1,801 to 3,0001.25$10.68
3,001 to 4,8001.80$15.37

Stormwater Ordinance #10091 (1/1/2025)
Stormwater $8.54/ERU