City Departments

Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.

Read the news release for full details >>

City Hall
6 East 6th Street
PO Box 708
Lawrence, KS 66044

Phone: (785) 832-3000


Departments & Contact Information

City Attorney
The City Attorney provides legal support to city staff and elected officials by responding to requests for legal opinions, preparing legal documents, negotiating contracts and providing legal training to city employees.
The City Prosecutor, Human Relations, and Municipal Court are divisions of the City Attorney.
City Attorney
(785) 832-3475
4th floor, City Hall
City Prosecutor
(785) 832-6195
City Hall, 6 E. 6th Street
Human Relations
(785) 832-3310
City Hall, 6 E. 6th Street
Municipal Court
(785) 832-6190
City Hall, 6 E. 6th Street
City Manager
Administration of policies established by the City Commission and coordination of City departments. Adviser to the City Commission on City service operations. The Lawrence Transit System is a division of the City Manager’s office
(785) 832-3402
4th floor, City Hall
City Clerk
(785) 832-3200
3rd floor, City Hall
Economic Development
(785) 832-3400
4th floor, City Hall
Equity and Inclusion
(785) 832-3414
4th floor, City Hall
Human Resources
(785) 832-3203
2nd floor, City Hall
Lawrence Transit
(785) 864-4644
933 New Hampshire
Risk Management
(785) 832-3400
4th Floor, City Hall
(785) 760-1631
Purchasing, financial management, payroll, meter reading, water billing and collection. Customers can establish, transfer, or stop residential utility services online.
(785) 832-7878
2nd floor, City Hall
Fire Medical, Lawrence-Douglas County
Hazardous materials, various rescue operations, medical response countywide. Fire and life safety inspection and prevention services in City.
(785) 830-7000
1911 Stewart Ave.
Information Technology
Promotion and maintenance of technologies to deliver information and services to City departments and Lawrence citizens.
(785) 832-3316
3rd floor, City Hall
Municipal Services & Operations
Municipal Services and Operations (formerly Public Works and Utilities) is a full service, front-line operational department. The divisions of Municipal Services and Operations provide community services in infrastructure and maintenance (facilities & structures, street and stormwater maintenance, pavement management, water treatment and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment), engineering (engineering design and technical support, stormwater, utility and traffic engineering), services (solid waste, water, wastewater, fleet management, and administrative functions). Municipal Services and Operations projects and services are vital to the growth, health, safety, comfort and quality of life for our community.
(785) 832-7800
Ground floor, City Hall
Parks & Recreation
Recreational programs, maintenance and operation of parks, open spaces, landscaping, urban forestry, cemeteries, swimming pools, golf course, nature and recreation centers.
(785) 832-3450
1141 Mass. St.
Planning & Development Services
The Lawrence-Douglas County Planning Office is responsible for the administration of city land use regulations and professional planning advice to the Lawrence City Commission, Douglas County Commission, Planning Commission and various committees. The Development Services division handles code enforcement, neighborhood support and provision of housing related services through the Community Development Block Grants, HOME Investment Partnerships Program and emergency shelter grants.
The Lawrence – Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization is a transportation policy-making organization in which federal funding for transportation projects and programs are channeled through.
Planning & Development Services
(785) 832-7700
6 E. 6th Street
Comprehensive police services including law enforcement and training, crime prevention and criminal investigations. Supervision of animal control in downtown.
Evidence, IT, Patrol & Records
(785) 832-7501
5100 Overland Drive
Training Center
(785) 830-7400
4820 Bob Billings Parkway (closed to public)