
Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.

Read the news release for full details >>



Lawrence-Douglas County Fire Medical remains on target with its accreditation commitments to the Commission on Fire Accreditation International. In March 2013, the department was unanimously awarded Re-accredited Agency Status by the Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI). This provides the department with accredited status through 2020. LDCFM is one of only 167 fire departments worldwide to obtain CFAI Accredited Status. The department submits an annual compliance report every February and continues to work on re-accreditation. The accreditation process was integrated into the daily operations and culture and is the foundation by which we continue to provide quality services to the citizens of Lawrence and Douglas County.

The department strives to achieve continuous organizational improvement through the implementation of improvement initiatives and opportunities for further enhancements. Currently, the department is operating under the goals and objectives outlined in the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan. The Standards of Cover document defines the level of emergency response resources and deployment strategies that the City of Lawrence and Douglas County leaders, department administration, and members commit to provide, at a minimum, to all community members. The department is committed to the CFAI model and will continue to work toward those goals.

Critical to our accreditation plan and overall success is our strategic plan, standards of coverage, and community risk assessment:


2022 Community Risk Assessment / Standards of Cover

  • Describes the department and community served
  • Defines benchmark service level objectives and baseline performance
  • Identifies and analyzes fire and non-fire risks based on a community risk assessment
  • Analyzes the concentration and distribution of emergency resources used to respond
  • Establishes response times standards for timely deployment of resources
  • Provides an inventory of the department’s fleet and facilities





2021-2026 Strategic Plan

    • Reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis
    • Developed through a community-driven process using external and internal stakeholders
    • Presents vision, mission, and historical information
    • Identifies critical issues and service gaps
    • Establishes realistic goals and objectives for strategic initiatives




Fire and Emergency Services Self-Assessment Manual (FESSAM)

The self-assessment model enables organizations to examine past, current, and future service levels and internal performance and compare them to industry best practices. The manual is submitted to the Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI) as part of the accreditation process. It serves as a report of the department’s performance in relation to a specific accreditation standard.

For more information contact the Administration Office at (785) 830-7000; Monday – Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or contact:

McKenzi Ezell
Fire Medical Data Analyst
Office: (785) 830-7010

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