Residential Burning Requirements

Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.

Read the news release for full details >>


  • A permit is required for all residential fires within the City;
  • Residential / recreational fires may include yard debris generated on site, clean dry wood, seasoned fire wood, and charcoal;
  • The fire may not include material hauled in from another site;
  • All fires shall be constantly attended by a competent person and this person shall remain in attendance at all times. The fire must be extinguished before leaving it.
  • No fires are allowed within 25’ of structures or combustible materials;
  • Residential / recreational fires may not exceed an area of 3’ in diameter and 2’ high;
  • Portable outdoor fireplaces may not be within 15’ of structures (does not apply to one or two family dwellings) or combustible materials and must be used in accordance with manufacturers instructions;
  • Fire suppression equipment shall consist of a type suitable to extinguish the material being burned and must be available at the burn site. This may be a 4A extinguisher, garden hose, water barrel, soil, etc. available for immediate use;
  • National Weather Service Kansas Rangeland Danger Index shall not be forecast as very high or extreme (;
  • The wind speed shall be between 5 m.p.h. and 15 m.p.h.;
  • The time shall be from one-half hour after sunrise until one-half hour before sunset (does not apply to recreational fires);
  • The fire code official may prohibit all outdoor fires when atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such fires hazardous;
  • Online permits will be written for one burn daily.
  • All regulations must be followed. A violation of these regulations may result in the issuance of a Notice To Appear in Municipal Court.