Blasting Regulations Checklist

Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.

Read the news release for full details >>

City Code Chapter 8, Article 6

The checklist below is an abbreviation of the Blasting Regulations as set forth in Chapter 8, Article 6 of The Code of the City of Lawrence, Kansas. This checklist is designed to help guide you through the process of obtaining a permit to conduct blasting operations within the City of Lawrence. A copy of the regulation has been provided and it important that you read and understand the requirements fully before you proceed through the process. A blasting permit is valid for 30 days after issuance. Refer to 8-605 (B) for requirements to re-issue.

For a printable check list, click here: Blasting Regulations Checklist (PDF)

Insurance Requirements

  • General Aggregate $5,000,000.00; $2,000,000.00 for each occurrence; $1,000,000.00 automobile liability; Workers Compensation.

Blasters Permits

  • ATF – User of High Explosives
  • ATF – Notice of Clearance
  • Kansas State Fire Marshal – Explosives User Permit
  • Kansas State Fire Marshal – Explosives Blaster Permit

Application Fee

  • $100.00

Blasting 1501’ or more from structure or utility provider, Section 8-603 (A)(1)-(A)(3):

  • Application for permit shall be accompanied by a blasting plan that includes:
    • Name of blasting contractor;
    • List of on-site personnel and copies of individual Explosives Blaster Permit.

Blasting within 501’ to 1500’ of structure or utility provider, Section 8-603 (B)(1)-(B)(3):

  • Conditions outlined above plus:
  • Scale drawing/map prepared by City of Lawrence GIS showing distance to all structures/utilities and distance from structures to explosives storage magazine;
  • Evidence of notice to property owners/utility providers and list of those notified. Notice must include:
    • Notice of intent to blast;
    • Name of blasting contractor;
    • Estimated duration of operations and map of blast location;
    • Name and contact information for contractors liability insurance;
    • Date, time, and location for informational meeting;
    • Verification that seismology equipment to be used has been calibrated and certified within 1 year of proposed blasting operation.

Blasting within 101’ to 500’ of structure or utility provider, Section 8-603 (C)(1)-(C)(3):

  • Conditions outlined above plus:
  • Application and blasting plan will include:
    • Name of independent firm approved by and reporting to the Fire Marshal which shall conduct seismographic monitoring of blast(s);
    • Proof that seismology equipment to be used has been calibrated and certified within 1 year of proposed blasting operation.
  • Applicant shall offer pre-blast surveys to property owners/utility providers;
  • Evidence of notification to property owners/utility providers within 500’ of blast site by certified mail with return receipt requested not less than 15 days before commencement of blasting. Written notice shall include:
    • Notice of intent to blast;
    • Name of blasting contractor;
    • Estimated duration of blasting operations;
    • Name and contact information for contractors liability insurance;
    • Date, time, and location for informational meeting for property owners/utility providers within 500’ of blasting operations;
    • Offer to allow utility provider representatives to be present during blasting operations;
    • Statement advising utility providers that failure to object or request additional time to review plan within 10 days of receipt of notification waives objections;
    • Statement advising utility providers that utility is responsible for identifying and requesting pre-blast survey of utility structures.
  • Provide copy of pre-blast survey log which contains list of structures/utilities eligible for pre-blast survey and list of those that received pre-blast surveys;
  • Complete Section 8-603 (C)(1)(i);
  • Blasting expert shall provide a written statement to the Fire Marshal certifying that proposed blasting operation does or does not meet the City Code.

Blasting 100’ or less from structure or utility provider, Section 8-603 (C):

  • Conditions outlined above plus:
  • No blasting shall occur within 100 feet of any structure or utility unless the owner(s) of the structure(s) or utility consent in writing and the blasting conforms to the limits recommended by the U.S. Bureau of Mines Table of Scaled Distances.