Food Policy Council April 15 Agenda

April 12, 2019

The Food Policy Council will next meet Monday, April 15, 2019 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at the Kanwaka Township Hall, 776 U.S. 40, Lawrence, KS 66049.

The agenda is available online and included below. If you have questions, contact Helen Schnoes, Sustainability & Food Systems Planner, at 785-832-5157 at

I.Action Item: Administrative Items
– Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
– Approval of March meeting minutes
– Consider moving May 20 meeting to May 13
– Budget overview (FPC $3,735.72; KAW $6,157.67)
– Request: Connie Fitzpatrick, $50 for Conference registration + travel

II.    Public Comment

III.    Discussion Item: Plan 2040 Draft Comments on Chapter 7: Community Resources

IV.    Discussion Item: Update from Aggies Working Group (Focus Area: Goal 1 and Goal 2 of Food System Plan)

V.    Discussion Item: Economic Development 101

VI.    Discussion Item: Update on Kansas Alliance for Wellness Implementation Grant (Health Equity Working Group)

VII.    Staff Report

VIII.    Future Agenda Items

IX.    Key Takeaways Review

X.    Member Updates

XI.    Adjourn

**Next Meeting: Set date, location at April 15 meeting