City announces public engagement opportunities for 2020 Strategic Plan

February 5, 2020

The City of Lawrence is excited to announce upcoming public engagement opportunities for the 2020 Strategic Plan. The 2020 Strategic Plan will outline a systematic process for moving toward an agreed-upon, community-wide vision. The plan involves the development and prioritization of strategic goals and measurable strategies.

“Our goal is to build a strategic plan that will reflect the aspirations of the entire Lawrence community and serve as a guide for the City’s next three-to-five years and beyond,” said Mayor Jennifer Ananda.

To create the 2020 Strategic Plan, it is important the City hears from its community members. There will be a number of public engagement opportunities in February and early March to assist in those efforts.

“This plan must have the fingerprints of our entire community, including people who haven’t previously felt included,” said City Manager Craig Owens. “We are telling everyone ‘you are invited and your perspectives matter.’ While we are hosting events designed to bring everyone together, we are also committing resources to meet the community where they already are. Please invite us to come join your conversations so we can incorporate your dreams and ideas in our community’s strategic plan.”
The following list details the various ways Lawrence residents can get involved:
  • Large community meetings. These will be the primary public meetings for soliciting feedback on the strategic plan. The sessions will be held in the Carnegie Building, 200 W 9th St., at the following times:
    • Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 6 p.m.
    • Thursday, Feb. 27 at 10 a.m.
  • Smaller satellite meetings. Also open to the public, these meetings are for those unable to attend one of the larger community meetings. They will be held at the following times and locations:
    • Saturday, Feb. 15 at 9 a.m. in the Union Pacific Depot, 402 N 2nd St.
    • Sunday, Feb. 16, at 2:30 pm in the Santa Fe Depot, 413 E 7th St.
    • Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 10 a.m. in Sports Pavilion Lawrence (Legacy Room), 100 Rock Chalk Ln.
    • Saturday, March 7 at 4 p.m. (location TBD)
  • Online survey. The survey is available on Lawrence Listens (on the City website) until 5 p.m. on Friday, March 7.
  • Small group discussions. The City created a Lawrence Listens Team, which consists of staff members trained to facilitate small group discussions with community organizations. Groups interested in hosting a discussion led by members of the Lawrence Listens Team can reach out via email ( to request a meeting or additional information. If meeting time is limited, groups can also invite members of the Lawrence Listens Team to host a brief walk-through of the Strategic Plan process as well as an overview of the ways to get involved.
The City hired The Novak Consulting Group for the 2020 Strategic Plan process. The Novak Consulting Group will facilitate several community engagement activities, including the two large community meetings as well as supplemental meetings with City advisory board chairs and partner governmental institutions.

Information on the 2020 Strategic Plan is available on the City website at You can stay up-to-date on the strategic plan process by subscribing to the e-news list. Go to and check “Strategic Planning Process” to get subscribed. Questions can be sent via email to

Contact: Danielle Buschkoetter, Budget & Strategic Initiatives Administrator,, (785) 832-3337.