City invites community to share their good news on Lawrence Listens

April 2, 2020

The COVID-19 outbreak has led to an exceptionally challenging situation for our community. Right now, we want to help inspire members of the Lawrence community and build our sense of togetherness — while maintaining social distancing.

The City is using the #RiseLawrence movement to capture positive, uplifting and inspiring stories of how we’re all working to support each other and ourselves. #RiseLawrence is a local movement, encouraging our residents, businesses and entire community to help Lawrence rise once again. There is hope on the horizon.

The City is opening up Lawrence Listens as one of many ways that residents can participate in the #RiseLawrence movement. You’re invited to share your “good news” stories so that we can spread the positivity to the wider community. It could be something you’ve done, or something you’ve seen from a business, a first responder, a government employee, a health care provider, a neighbor, a friend, or even a stranger.

More information, and the opportunity to submit your story, is available on the Lawrence Listens website:

We’re hoping to collect many uplifting stories on Lawrence Listens. Stories can be shared with your name or they can be submitted anonymously. If you’re sharing a story about someone else and want to use their name, please consult them for permission first. All information submitted on Lawrence Listens will be public, which is why you are welcome to keep names private if you’d prefer. You are also encouraged to upload a photo (if available) along with your statement/story.

The City may share the submitted stories in other City communications, including social media, using the #RiseLawrence hashtag. You’re also encouraged to share your stories on your own social media using #RiseLawrence.

The Lawrence Chamber of Commerce started the #RiseLawrence movement. Please visit their website for more information on how you can show your love for Lawrence and do your part: