City contractor work to impact Iowa Street traffic on July 1

June 29, 2020

In preparation for a water main replacement project, the City of Lawrence has contracted with Terracon to perform soil borings in four locations along the Iowa Street corridor. The work will require the right lanes of both northbound and southbound traffic to be temporarily closed from 6th Street to 9th Street between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on July 1.

The proposed project will replace an existing 6-inch cast iron water main installed in 1961 with a new 8-inch main to meet the City’s current design and construction standards. The project is part of the Municipal Services & Operations Department’s yearly water main replacement program.

Traffic control devices will be in place. Updates will be provided as necessary. All project timelines are subject to change due to weather and other project-related delays. For more information on construction projects and traffic alterations in Lawrence, visit

Contact: Josh Carson, Public Information Officer, Municipal Services & Operations – | 785-832-7822