City offers Utility Assistance Program in response to COVID-19

October 27, 2020

On Monday, Nov. 2, the City of Lawrence will begin accepting applications from eligible residents for the Utility Assistance Program. Douglas County granted the City of Lawrence $500,000 in Federal CARES Act funds for use in creating this program. Those funds are being used to directly help eligible residents who may be experiencing financial loss caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Utility Assistance Program will help eligible residents pay City of Lawrence utility bills incurred from March 1 — December 10, 2020. The program will be implemented in two phases, and residents may apply to receive assistance during both phases.

  • Phase 1 is $425,000 and will take place November 1 – 30, 2020. Applications will be accepted until November 30, 2020 or until the funds are expended, whichever comes first.
  • Phase 2 is $75,000 and will take place December 1 – 15, 2020. Applications will be accepted until December 15, 2020 or until the funds are expended, whichever comes first.

While Phase 1 applications will be accepted beginning November 2, eligible residents are encouraged to begin preparing their application in advance. Applications must demonstrate that residents meet the following program eligibility criteria:

  • Proof they are a residential customer of the City of Lawrence utility system and they pay their utility bill directly to the City of Lawrence
  • Proof they cannot pay utilities due to a loss/reduction of employment or loss of income resulting from the economic impact of COVID-19
  • Proof they have an economic need for utility assistance

More information on applications and eligibility requirements is available on the City of Lawrence website:

Applications must be submitted through one of the below community partner organizations. Eligible residents are asked to call one of the partner organizations to begin the application process.

  • Ballard Center | 785-842-0729
  • Catholic Charities | 785-856-2694
  • ECKAN | 785-841-3357
  • Lawrence Family Promise | 785-764-9506
  • Salvation Army | 785-843-4188
  • Senior Resource Center for Douglas County | 785-842-0543
  • Willow Domestic Violence Center | 785-843-3333

CONTACT: Kristy Webb, Utility Billing Manager, | 785-832-3221