Prescribed burns to take place in March

March 2, 2021

In coordination with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Lawrence-Douglas County Public Health and the Lawrence-Douglas County Fire Department, Lawrence Parks and Recreation Department will conduct prescribed burns of several areas within the leased areas of the Corps of Engineers property near Clinton Lake sometime during the month of March.

Select burn areas are in low population areas. The plan is to not burn in higher population areas to reduce the impact of smoke on the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Areas scheduled for controlled burns include: Eagle Bend Golf Course and Learning Center, 1245 E. 902 Road; Mutt Run Off-Leash Dog Park; 1330 East 902 Road; the Lawrence Rotary Arboretum, 5100 West 27th St.

The burns will be carefully coordinated and take place in accordance with burn permits issued by the Lawrence-Douglas County Fire Department.

The prescribed burn is used as a natural land management tool for native grasses, as it recycles nutrients tied up in old plant growth, stimulates tillering in plants and helps control woody plants and herbaceous weeds. Timing is an important consideration in the burn.

In order to get a thorough burn, it is important to conduct the burn prior to a lot of new growth.  Generally, it is recommended that burns take place in March and April in northeast Kansas.

Daily weather and wind conditions will determine where and when staff conduct burns. Parks and Recreation will post notifications on its social media platforms, Twitter and Facebook, the day before a burn is to take place and a follow-up post on the day of a burn detailing if a burn will or will not take place. Signs will also be placed on site the day before the scheduled burn.

For more information, please contact the Parks and Recreation Administrative Office at, (785) 832-3450.