City of Lawrence COVID-19 employee update for March 2021

March 3, 2021

Below is the March 2021 update on the number of City employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 since the pandemic began.

  • Total full-time employees who have tested positive: 83
    • 30 employees from Municipal Services & Operations
    • 20 employees from Police
    • 18 employees from Fire Medical
    • 9 employees from Parks & Recreation
    • 4 employees from City Manager’s Office
    • 1 employee from City Attorney’s Office
    • 1 employee from Planning & Development Services
  • Current active cases for full-time employees: 0
  • Total part-time employees who have tested positive: 28
    • 24 employees from Parks & Recreation
    • 3 employees from Police
    • 1 employee from City Attorney’s Office
  • Current active cases for part-time employees: 0

Please note: The numbers for full-time and part-time employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 are cumulative since the start of the pandemic. The number of active cases shows the employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are still under the 10-day isolation period.

The City immediately notifies City employees who have been in direct contact with another employee who either tested positive for COVID-19 or who is being quarantined due to experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. Anytime a City employee is potentially exposed to COVID-19, they are placed in a precautionary quarantine until their test results come back. LDC Public Health continues to handle contact tracing for the general public. If there is ever a concern of an outbreak of COVID-19 tied to a City facility or employees, we will work with LDC Public Health to announce the case at that time.

The City is sharing the latest coronavirus information on our website. For a one-stop hub of information from all involved Douglas County agencies, please refer to the Douglas County Coronavirus Response Hub. This website includes City updates as well as information from Lawrence-Douglas County Public Health, LMH Health and more.

CONTACT: Porter Arneill, Director of Communications & Creative Resources, | 785-832-3402