Old West Lawrence selected for Neighborhood Traffic Management Pilot Program

September 2, 2021

The City of Lawrence recently announced that the Old West Lawrence neighborhood was selected as the first area for the Neighborhood Traffic Management Pilot Program. City staff reviewed applications from two neighborhoods to be the pilot study area before ultimately selecting the Old West Lawrence application.

The Neighborhood Traffic Management Pilot Program aims to improve the quality of life by reducing speeding and cut-through traffic on local and collector streets. Other concerns related to traffic safety involving pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists may also be addressed with this program.

Managing local traffic to enhance safety can be accomplished through various strategies, including enforcement, education, or physical infrastructure changes. Potential tools for these strategies include automated speed radar signs, curb extensions/neckdowns, chicanes, speed cushions, traffic circles or mini-roundabouts, raised pedestrian crosswalks, signage, and more. These strategies and tools are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and will consider the street type, surrounding land use, and existing traffic volumes of all modes.

The Old West Lawrence Neighborhood Association’s pilot program application emphasized the desire to reduce cut-through traffic, near-miss pedestrian and vehicle accidents, speeding, and more.

The City, along with JEO Consulting Group, is currently developing the strategies and plans for the pilot program and intends to roll out and install the plan in the Fall of 2021. More information will be made available when plans and designs are finalized and a timeline is set.

Contact: Josh Carson, Public Information Officer, Municipal Services & Operations – jcarson@lawrenceks.org