Lawrence joins National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation

April 5, 2023

City of Lawrence Mayor Lisa Larsen is joining mayors across the country who are asking residents to make a long-term commitment to reduce pollution and manage water resources more wisely.

The annual non-profit community service campaign, the National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation, encourages leaders to inspire their residents to use water more efficiently, reduce pollution, and save energy. The challenge takes place April 1-30, and residents can visit to make their commitment.

In return for their pledge to conserve water, Lawrence residents can enter to win over $50,000 in eco-friendly prizes, including $3,000 toward their Home Utility Payments, water saving fixtures, and hundreds of other prizes.

“Water is a precious and finite resource,” says Mayor Lisa Larsen. “We must all work together to conserve our consumption and protect the quality of water for all uses. This is vital not for just today’s needs but also for future generations.”

Last year, residents from more than 2,000 cities in all 50 U.S. states pledged to reduce their annual consumption of freshwater by over 1 billion gallons, reduce waste sent to landfills by 35 million pounds, and preventing nearly one hundred thousand of pounds of hazardous waste from entering our watersheds. The Challenge goes beyond short term issues and looks at the ways our water use will affect the future of our communities — from how we manage our coasts, lakes, and rivers to reducing polluted runoff.

“As the Mayor of Lawrence, I encourage all to take the pledge to do your part in conserving water in our community, and learn about the many ways you can participate in meeting our goals,” Larsen adds.

To participate, residents can go to, click the link, and then make a series of online pledges to conserve water on behalf of Lawrence.

Participating residents are also encouraged to use MyVolunteer Water Project, which gives residents a unique way to do hands-on home, community, and workplace projects year-round in support of their city’s sustainability efforts. The more projects residents do throughout the year, the better chance a city wins the mayor’s challenge in April.

About the Wyland Foundation
Founded in 1993, the Wyland Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to promoting, protecting, and preserving the world’s ocean, waterways, and marine life. The foundation encourages environmental awareness through community events, education programs, and public art projects.

Contact: Michael Leos, Communication & Community Engagement Specialist, Municipal Services & Operations –