Traffic control changes for 6th St. – Iowa St. to Mass St. project
Beginning Monday, March 25, City contractors will shift traffic flow to the north side of 6th St between Tennessee St. and Massachusetts St. This shift will allow for the contractor to continue street, storm, and pedestrian improvements along the southside of 6th St. in this area. This phase will reduce eastbound traffic turning north over Kansas River bridge to one lane. Kentucky St. will remain closed at 6th St.
The City anticipates the 6th St. – Iowa St. to Mass St. improvements project to be completed in Fall 2024, pending weather or other delays.
Updated Pedestrian route for 6th St. construction
Beginning Monday, March 25, pedestrians looking to access downtown from Burcham Park Trail or Constant Park will now be able to travel along the north sidewalk of 6th St. from Kentucky St. to Mass St. This will allow pedestrian access to either of the Kansas River Bridges or to the crosswalk in front of City Hall to cross 6th St. Pedestrians and bicycles will still be unable to cross 6th St. at Kentucky St.
Additionally, the sidewalk on the southside of 6th St. between Tennessee St. and Vermont St. will be closed.
Further pedestrian updates will be provided as the project continues.
UPDATE: Old West Lawrence traffic calming installation extended
Beginning on Wednesday, March 13, City contractors closed multiple streets (listed below) to install the second phase of permanent traffic calming devices for the Old West Lawrence Traffic Calming Project as part of the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program. These closures were originally scheduled to be removed Friday, March 22, but will be extended due to construction delays.
The following locations are closed to through traffic:
The 700 and 800 blocks of Michigan St.
The 600 and 800 blocks of Mississippi St.
The 600 block of Missouri St.
Access to all properties will be maintained at all times during the project.
The City anticipates this closure to end Friday, March 29, pending weather or other delays.
E. 1900 Rd. on-ramp for westbound K-10 closed for KDOT Project
On Monday, March 18, the Kansas Department of Transportation closed the East 1900 Road on-ramp to westbound K-10 for slope repair work. The ramp is just east of Lawrence in Douglas County.
The closure is expected to be in place until late April, conditions permitting. No detours will be posted, and motorists will need to use alternate routes.
For questions related to this project, contact Kate Craft,
To learn more about construction projects around the city and view the interactive maps, visit:
Contact: Michael Leos, Communication & Community Engagement Specialist, Municipal Services & Operations –