Transportation Emissions Reduction Program Call for Projects

May 8, 2024

Lawrence-Douglas County
Metropolitan Planning Organization (L-DC MPO)
Transportation Emissions Reduction Program Call for Projects

As part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) / Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), the U.S. Department of Transportation established the Carbon Reduction Program (CRP).  The Lawrence – Douglas County MPO in partnership with the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is working to implement the Transportation Emissions Reduction Strategy (TERS) thru the call for Transportation Emissions Reduction Program Call for Projects. Projects submitted should align with the TERS and be consistent with the MPO’s Transportation 2050 plan goals.

Example Projects:

  • Energy-efficient street lighting and traffic control devices.
  • Infrastructure-based intelligent Transportation Systems.
  • Alternative fuel projects, including public EV charging, hydrogen, natural gas and propane fueling, and zero-emission equipment.
  • Bike, pedestrian, and non-motorized facilities and micro-mobility projects.
  • Traffic monitoring, management, and control facilities.
  • Projects to improve traffic flow that are eligible under the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program, and do not involve the construction of new capacity.
  • A public transportation project that is eligible under 23 U.S.C. 142.
  • For a complete list of eligible project types, please refer to Federal CRP Guidance at

Call for Projects! Applications due June 27th.

For more information visit the project webpage: