Notice of Funding Opportunity for Affordable Housing Trust Fund

July 22, 2022

The City of Lawrence is currently accepting applications for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Eligible projects for funding include the acquisition, rehabilitation, and/or development of affordable housing, as well as housing support services, including vouchers and other forms of direct financial housing stabilization supports for Lawrence community members living at or below 80% of the area median income (AMI).

In their continuing efforts to provide all people in Lawrence with access to housing choice with affordability, the City of Lawrence has a strong commitment to expanding affordable housing across all Lawrence neighborhoods as well as a commitment to affirmatively furthering fair housing, sustainable building practices, and housing that remains affordable in perpetuity. Projects will be further prioritized based on alignment with the City of Lawrence Strategic PlanConsolidated PlanDowntown Lawrence Plan, and Plan 2040, and that meet community housing needs as described in the Lawrence Housing Market Analysis and the Kansas Statewide Needs Assessment.

Applications must be submitted electronically to Lea Roselyn,, by 5 p.m. on Friday, September 23, 2022. Additionally, mail one copy of your signed application to City of Lawrence: 6th East 6th Street, Lawrence, KS 66044, Attn: Lea Roselyn. The mailed application should be postmarked no later than the day of the application deadline.

Applicants are welcome and encouraged to schedule a pre-application meeting with Lea Roselyn, Affordable Housing Administrator, prior to submitting applications to discuss the project and review the application. New applicants to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund are highly encouraged to participate in a pre-application meeting. Meetings may be scheduled by emailing

Applicants will be asked to prepare a brief presentation to the Affordable Housing Advisory Board at their hybrid meeting scheduled from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, October 10, 2022.

The Affordable Housing Advisory Board will forward recommendations for funding to the City Commission who will approve the awards at an upcoming regular meeting.

More information is on our website, here.

Contact: Lea Roselyn, affordable housing administrator, 785-832-3164 or