Weigh in on draft elements of the Transportation plan

December 9, 2022

The Lawrence – Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) needs your help updating our long range transportation plan – Transportation 2050 (T2050). The plan will identify future needs and make investment recommendations for all modes of transportation including automobile, public transit, bicycle, pedestrian, etc.

MPO staff has created draft elements of the plan based on what community members shared in the first transportation survey issued earlier this year. There are two ways to weigh in on these draft elements.

1. Take our 10-15 minute survey at lawrenceks.org/mpo/tellus, OR
2. Talk with transportation planners during the following times:
Following the survey and open houses, a draft plan will be prepared and posted for a 30-day review and public comment period prior to adoption of the plan by the MPO Policy Board in March 2023. For more information visit: https://lawrenceks.org/mpo/t2050/