Revised Wind Energy Conversion System Regulations

Adopted Regulations – 12-306-44 WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEMS


General Information & Planning Background:

A Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) is a system of wind-driven generators that convert wind energy into electrical power. Individual machines are also referred to as a turbine, wind tower, windmill, or wind pump. A WECS may be for personal or commercial use, these two varying uses are referred to as P-WECS and C-WECS, respectively.

The Lawrence Douglas County Planning Commission directed Planning staff to review the existing regulations for Wind Energy Conversion Systems (or WECS) in January of 2022. This came from an interest in better aligning the wind-regulations with that of the recently adopted solar-regulations. The Planning Commission voted to form an Ad Hoc Committee at their meeting on March 20, 2023 to create a Draft #2 which was published on September 26, 2023. On January 22, 2024 the Planning Commission passed a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners for Revised WECS Regulations. On May 1, 2024 the Board of County Commissioners approved the Revised WECS Regulations.


Previous Meetings & Materials:

Please visit the BoCC website to learn more and contact Commissioners. 

5/1/24: PUBLIC HEARING BoCC; Agenda, Meeting Recording

4/24/24: LISTENING SESSION BoCC; Agenda, Meeting Recording

1/22/24:  PUBLIC HEARING; Agenda, Meeting Recording

10/23/23: PUBLIC HEARING; Agenda,  Meeting Recording,  Presentation

10/9/23 – 10/19/23: FOUR (4) COMMUNITY MEETINGS; Presentation

8/9/23: MID-MONTH MEETING; Meeting Recording

6/6/23: LISTENING SESSION; Meeting Recording

5/25/23: LISTENING SESSION; Meeting Recording

4/7/23: LISTENING SESSION; Meeting Recording

3/20/23: PUBLIC HEARING; Agenda, Resource PacketMeeting Recording

3/8/23: MID MONTH; Agenda,  Meeting Recording

1/30/23: OPEN HOUSE; Online Survey (closed)

1/23/23: PUBLIC HEARING; Agenda,  Resource PacketMeeting Recording,

1/12/23: COMMUNITY MEETING;  Community Suggestions,  Community QuestionsPresentation

12/19/22: PUBLIC HEARING; Agenda,  Meeting Recording,   Presentation

12/14/22: MID MONTH MEETING; Meeting Recording,  Presentation


Additional Information

2016 Wind Regulations, Resolution No. 17-12: link.
The U.S. Wind Turbine Database:
Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks Recommendations: Department of Energy FAQ’s:
How a Wind Turbine Works: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Land-Based Wind Energy Guidelines: Energy in Kansas:
Douglas County Solar Regulations, Section 12-306-49: link
Zoning and Land Use Regulations for the Unincorporated Territory of Douglas County, Kansas: link
Draft #1 of the Proposed Revised Regulations (Published 12/14/22): link
Draft #2 of the Proposed Revised Regulations (Published 9/26/23): link
Frequently Asked Questions, developed September 2023: link