The City’s floodplains are a valuable resource for the community. Floodplains left in an undeveloped, natural state can provide storage for floodwaters, which in turn minimizes future flood damage. They also provide habitat for wildlife and recreational opportunities for community residents. The natural vegetation of floodplains also filters pollutants from stormwater, in turn improving local water quality.
Stormwater carries untreated water runoff directly into wetlands, creeks, and rivers and impacts our natural environment. Improper disposal of waste, such as oil, paint, fertilizer, and pesticides, will pollute stormwater runoff and destroy plants, endanger wildlife, and affect local drinking water sources. Please remember to properly store and dispose of oils, chemicals, antifreeze, and other toxic materials and never dump waste materials into any storm drain or drainage canal.
To learn more about the natural and beneficial functions of floodplains please contact any of the natural resource agencies and organizations listed on the Additional Information Page, including the Douglas County Conservation District, the Friends of the Kaw, the Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance, the Kansas Conservation Commission, the Kansas Natural Resource Council, and the Kansas Water Office. Information is also available at the Lawrence Public Library, 707 Vermont Street.